View Full Version : Ok its time for this to stop.

26-02-09, 18:49
Tomorrow is the start of a new dawn. I am sick to death off this cycle of anxiety creating this life i hate. So i am going to listen to the relaxation tape i have twice a day. Exercise every day and begin to try and get better over the next few weeks. I am shattered all the time, blurred vision and feel i could curl up and sleep. Flu l;ike symptoms as well so here goes, whos with me.

Vanilla Sky
26-02-09, 21:56
I am ross, you go for it,also take vitamins, drink water, get early nights. Its true we do get ourselves into a cycle and if we give into it, its only going to get worse. Sounds like youv had enough and so have i , iv been feeling better the last few weeks because i feel like iv taken control of my anxiety, yea sure it rears its ugly head from time to time but i dont allow it power anymore and i find its getting less and less. Ive been taking more care of myself like iv said vitamins, more sleep, exercise, fresh air and relaxation. You can do it, dont pressure yourself if it doesnt work straight away, it will , just keep at it and it will happen, you will get your life back good luck let us know how your doing, lets beat it !!! Love Paige x

01-03-09, 10:48
Well its day 2 and so far same kind of feelings. Tired not as much though and irritability. Am going to keep going as i need to. Good luck to all you guys battling it.

01-03-09, 12:29
Hi Ross

Well done for your positive approach to the anxiety. I decided to start facing mine and work through it about a year ago and I am making progress. Don't expect to feel better in the first few days and take it slowly, if you don't feel like doing anything one day don't. Listen to what your body is saying and don't push things like I did because the rest is needed just as much as doing things. You may find that in the first few weeks you feel worse and that is normal because you are doing more and facing your fears but that does wear off. Another thing to remember is don't get dissapointed if you still feel anxious or have bad days because this doesn't help, just accept that bad days are going to come and the more you ignore them the quicker they will go.

I wish you luck with your recovery and please believe me there is a way out if you are patient and work at it. I am not cured of anxiety and panic yet but I am certainly on my way and my life has got so much better.


01-03-09, 14:04
Good luck.

I'm going to follow your example. I've tried in the past -- but it's just so easy to fall back into bad habits. I need to get out of the mindset where I just accept that. They say that self-discipline is just like a muscle -- the more you use it, the stronger it gets (and, unfortunately vice versa!).

Right... I'm off to dig out that relaxation tape!