View Full Version : How do you breathe?

26-02-09, 19:26
i was wondering, ive got of habit of checking my breathing, its horrible, i want to think about other stuff but i can't, but my question is how do you breathe?

Do you inflate your lower abdomen? or your chest?

26-02-09, 19:29
Have a read of the "how to cope" website page on the left and it explains abdominal breathing

27-02-09, 22:15
Do try the abdominal breathing link that Nicola suggests. I used to have problems like yours and this type of breathing really helped. You must persevere though...it took me a while, but I have been so much better and I breathe into my abdomen as a matter of course now...without thinking about it. One big success for me in the anxiety area and it has made a huge difference. You will get there if you stick with it...promise. XX

27-02-09, 22:55
Yes, I agree that using the abdominal muscles is far better, I have had to make a concious effort to concentrate on this technique & am slowly finding that I am doing it without thinking more & more. Do try it:)