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View Full Version : Health anxiety?

26-02-09, 23:32
Hey everyone,

Hope you're all well. I've suffered very badly from agoraphobia, anxiety and depression for about 5 years now, I cannot work and I attend a day hospital. But I've never had a problem with my health, that was until I took an overdose 8 months ago (not proud of it but I felt like it was the only way out at the time. I am much happier now and am so glad I didn't succeed) and ended up in hospital with heart problems.
Since then I have been terrified that I'm about to have a heart attack :weep: I've had tests and have been told everything is fine but I just can't seem to believe my doctor. I have all these symptoms that I feel can't be just in my head. I get chest pain and heaviness, fast pulse (sometimes its really slow and I get worried about that too!!) pain in my left arm, dizzyness, tingling in my fingers and lips, to name a few. It's becoming unbearable :weep: I don't know how to stop it. The symptoms are there so how can I ignore it? Can it really all be caused by anxiety?
I feel like I'm never going to escape anxiety, it's affecting my entire life :weep:
I'm not really sure what responses I'm after, I think I just needed to vent a little as I can't talk to my parnter about this side of my anxiety as I feel stupid or like I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Thanks for taking the time to read this xx

27-02-09, 01:33
Hi there... All of the symptoms you have listed are SO classic anxiety. I also got health anxiety after I had an issue with my heart (Atrial Fibrilation). I have recently come to realize how intensely connected the mind and the body are. I have gone to a million doctors, and they all say that my symptoms (which are the same as yours) are anxiety. I know scary it is, and i know how hard it is to believe its anxiety... But you must tell yourself that an anxious body can play so many tricks. Also, try reading claire weekes books... I found them very helpful.

27-02-09, 13:19
Thank you so much for the reply :bighug1:
Although its terrible that you have these symptoms too, you have made me feel a lot more reassured that this really is anxiety based. I'm going to try my hardest to keep perspective on this and to not let the anxiety win!
I'm going to go check that book out - thanks for the recommendation :) xx