View Full Version : Breathing...

26-02-09, 23:43
I know this is really weird, but I get REALLY anxious about my breathing. I think things like "what if I stop breathing? what if i get tired of breathing and just stop??? what if im not getting enough air???" i know, its bizarre... but it freaks me out to think that my heart and my breathing are keeping me alive. it's like ive realized how fragile life is and it scares me!!!

does anyone relate at all?? how do i stop thinking about it??

27-02-09, 09:09
Yes, I think about how I am breathing all the time. It makes me breathe shallow and then I panic, all related. In normal state I know it is panic and can deal with it but when I think about it too much all relaxation and sensible thoughts go to pot. Just try deep relaxation and as soon as you start thinking too much do something to occupy your mind. Good luck