View Full Version : connection between period and anxiety

27-02-09, 02:17
Do any other female members of NP have noticed that their anxiety gets a whole lot worse just before they start a period.I am 42 and I could be going through the peri-menopause or something like it but I have felt really bad the past 48 hrs and I am due on Saturday,it just seems like they are connected.I have had the usual palpatations but a lot worse than usual tonight so I have got up for a bit to calm down,my stomach feels awful and I feel slightly hot and jittery.I have read in the past somewhere that symptoms can be heightened just before the period starts so I am praying it does real soon.I have been on the contraceptive injection before and one of the advantages is not having a period so I think I will go back on that as feeling like this is hurrendous,it's bad enough suffering from anxiety and all the crap that goes with it as well as having the 2 combined.!!!

27-02-09, 03:15
yep, anxiety can be caused by PMS, I'm always anxious, irritable, just find everything extra frustrating on the days leading up to my period.
it's very annoying, did I mention the cramps!
sure go on contraception if it helps! I'm too paranoid about side effects.....

27-02-09, 18:06
yeh mine alway sget worse! im cumming up to my period now and i have terrible anixety and hot flushes and a pain in my side my hormones seem to always make my anixety worse

03-03-09, 15:35
When you have your period you lose blood. Blood loss causes iron loss. Iron loss causes neurological conditions such as anxiety. Try taking Vitamin B Complex over the time you are menstruating. x

04-03-09, 16:11
snap too, well i hope so, i am on the marina coil and have felt awful the last couple of days with pains in arm and above my breast, and when pain happens i just get a cold feeling through my body, i dont get periods as such but usually happens at the begining of the month so just waiting for it to stop xx

04-03-09, 16:57

feel excatly the same..read my post "Told my kids i hate em"..its in the deppression/Anxiety section x

05-03-09, 21:40
Mine started today and have felt rotten for a lot of this week ... never really connected the two until I looked here. Been fine today - must be something in it x

07-03-09, 01:14
Thanks for all your replies,looks like I am not out in the wilderness on my own with this one.I am definitely going to pop along to the quacks and ask for the depo injection again to calm the symptoms down,I don't really care that I am 42 and may be hitting the peri menopause,I just want to keep the anxiety as low as possible(if that's the cheating way to do it-lol) take care of yourselves,xxx

07-03-09, 05:22
i am due to get my period any day now and yes, this week i've had 5 diseases rather than the usual 1 or 2. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG.