View Full Version : so ashamed and annoyed with myself

27-02-09, 07:49
i used to see my friends all the time but i hve seen them only once since summer.
last night i had a ticket to see a show with them , it had cost me 50 quid (paid for weeks ago) and i just couldnt make myself go :(

i dont even know why, i just couldnt physically make myself go. i got all ready, got dressed up and then didnt go :( i was telling myself to go but it wasnt workling.

i havent done this before. i cant understand why id do that. i am so upset.
i was always the cheeky, fun, laugh a minute one of the 3 of us and now i hate myself for how i am and so does my partner.

its a good job im a good actress, jollying my son along, i feel like crap

i hate panicking
27-02-09, 08:13
Hi Linny,

You shouldn't feel annoyed or ashamed what so ever:)!

Has anything triggered you off to feel this way?
You also mentioned that you hate yourself for it and so does your partner...in what way does your partner hate you for it?

Take care x

27-02-09, 09:02
Linny lass

This is just a symptom of anxiety/depression. Don't beat yourself up over it, I have done things like this a few times and I bet half the people here have too.

The trick is to look ahead and not dwell on this, you need to accept certain feelings as just the anxiety, accept and move on.

What I will say though, is don't let this be your new rule. Don't avoid anything, even if it means you have to leave the situation, still do it.

The hard fact is, avoid? and you will always avoid and be ruled by anxiety. In the words of Claire Weekes, don't avoid, but practice, and if you fail, no problem, practice again, but never ever avoid.

If you left the supermarket in a fit of anxiety crippling fear, go back and try again, for one day, the fear will go.



27-02-09, 09:14
I got all the all the way to departures lounge at airport with my friend for a trip to Milan and then I decided I couldn't do it! As a true friend she said there was nothing to forgive although I was tortured with guilt about us not going. My hubby couldn't understand it, but I said in that case just accept it and help me please, I am ill x please get help and support and see your dr asap x