View Full Version : Out of my mind! Help!!

27-02-09, 09:01
Hi all,
I really do think i am going mad!! I was diagnosed with anxiety/depression just over a year ago, not happy with the diagnosis i kept going back to the docs and eventually he said i have cfs!! Since that diagnosis i have been 2 see a sspecialist in cfs and he said that i dont have it, but looks like i have a neurological disease!! Been two weeks since i have been told that and i am feeling even more poorly than before! Recieved report from docs and the report stated i have 1)nystygma(horizontal), 2)positive rombergs sign with limited cordination in my left limbs., 3)muscle wastage in my shoulders. I am so scared!!!!Keep thinking i have MS or something like that, my balance is shot, fallen over a couple of times, my vision is always blurred/hazy and feel generally rubbish! Trying to see my GP so he can refer me to a neurologist but cant get an appointment! Just worried im going to be told its "just Anxiety" as he always tells me!! Am i going crazy!!!! please help

27-02-09, 10:26
hi rob
you are not going mad honestly :hugs:
anxiety affects us all in many different ways and gives us alsorts of differant" illnesses"! try and see the doctor and put your mind at rest sounds like seeing a councillor would help . good luck

27-02-09, 11:05
Hi Sandra
Thanks for your post. Made an appointment to see doctor on monday. Have tried counselling but they discharged me as they felt it was not doing me any good!! Just really fed up of feeling this way, hopefully after i eventually get to see a neurologist it will put my mind at ease.
Hope you are well?
Rob x

27-02-09, 11:25
One thing i ment to mention, is that i had an mri of my pituatry gland last may, which came back negative. Does anyone know if this shows the whole brain or just that specific area? convinced theres something wrong with my brain!!!!!