View Full Version : where do you feel anxiety??this is not a poll.

27-02-09, 11:39
Hi all,

I just wondered where people with constant anxiety feel it in there bodies, mine used to sit in my tummy but now its just constantly on my chest which is horrible and makes me worry more, does anyone else have it in there chest?

27-02-09, 12:01
Chest and stomach mainly - have had terrible rib pain for about a week now too - but I think chest is the worst :blush: xxx

27-02-09, 12:08
I seem to get tingly sensations in my limbs and head. i used to get it in my chest. Tends to be in the stomach now and of course in my mind!x

27-02-09, 14:25
Thankyou both.x

27-02-09, 14:50
I feel anxiety mainly in my chest, mainly tightness and caused by my shallow breathing...i get panic attacks and missed heart beats, this is all due to high anxiety i suffer at times and not being in control of my breathing, i also get dizziness and feeling detached. All classic anxiety symptoms but they are unpleasant none the less xxxx

27-02-09, 15:49
jojo, Yes i get all of that and more besides!! one day it will go......eventually!!.xx

27-02-09, 17:36
I get the chest and shallow breathing thing too used to be really bad stomach trouble but so much of that these days, also get very tense neck and shoulders.

27-02-09, 19:34
i feel it everywhere except my head, except when i clench my teeth,

27-02-09, 20:26
I get a gamut of symptoms: chest tightness, rapid & irregular pounding heartbeats, sore throat, lump in throat, tongue & mouth, lips white or grey.
dizziness,jittery arms & legs

28-02-09, 16:28
i mainly feel it in my chest, heart, abdomen, sternum and in my sides. I constantly have a feeling of something drastically wrong with my heart because i have arrythmias, skipped beats, paused beats, ectopics and i also feel nobbly little bumps in my sternum region and when im anxious this plagues my mind also.
