View Full Version : Blood Tests!!!!!!

27-02-09, 14:19
I'm so worried. :wacko: Actually i'm more than worried i'm sh***ing myself

For the last month i've had a really stange stomach and bowl movements, i either don't go all day but feel like i need to go or i go 2-3 times a day, i've had a rumbly belly which does cause me discomfort but its not painful and i've had overwhelming nausea and dizziness. So i went to the doctor and as i suspected i need to have some blood tests done.
For months i've been convinced i'm not well and thought i should have had some blood tests done but now i've actually got to have them i'm so scared that they'll come back with having found some type of cancer.
Although i'm 27, used to smoke everyday now only socially and my family have no history of cancer that i'm aware of, i can't get the thought that i've got cancer out of my head and that it'll be terminal.
I don't know what to do, i now feel people around me are getting fed up.
Sorry if i rambled just need to get some advice/reassurance

27-02-09, 14:58
Certainly don't think you have cancer,hun. Suppose it could be IBS but more likely to be anxiety kicking up symptoms. There has been a lot in the news lately about cancer and it is bound to be somewhere in the minds of those who have health (or any other) anxiety. Don't let it take over...have the blood tests which will do nothing but good...reassure you and give you peace of mind..XXXX

12-07-13, 18:41
I'm waiting for results right now. Have all the same worries. My anxiety has been terrible. Ill find out results tomorrow. Its been 2 weeks since I had blood and stool tests. Been on pins and needles. Waiting on a phone call from the Dr. So know your not a lone.

14-07-13, 19:28
Im also waiting on some results for the same reasons! Im very scared too keep picturing them telling me im dying and have a few weeks to live etc! But in all honestly if we are all going through the same this will most likely be anxiety! :) goodluck hun xx

14-07-13, 19:33
Smoking doesnt give you bowel cancer, as far as I know. You could use this as your wake-up call to give up, if it is so scary. It's one thing you could take control of... It is so likely to be anxiety/IBS. Let us know...

15-07-13, 04:26
This sounds like typical IBS to me too :)

I have it and have had it for years and years.

I can go from having the runs one day, to being constipated the next.

Any rise in my anxiety or stress levels will bring it on big time, sometimes resulting in many a trip to the ladies so to speak!! :wacko:

There are many symptoms of cancer but there are also many much more simple things that can mimic those symptoms too, and I would think that the vast majority of people with bowel symptoms, have any one of a number of relatively minor bowel conditions which are simple to fix :)

Try to not keep frightening yourself with scary thoughts, remember they are just thoughts, and what you are thinking is highly unlikely to happen.

Try switching your thinking a little. Try telling yourself that you're glad you've had the test done, because it will put your mind at rest and you'll be able to fix whatever is causing your symptoms.

Do let us know how you get on hun :hugs: