View Full Version : Really worried about a pulsing sound in ear?

27-02-09, 15:12
I've been having recurrent ear infections for a while, and got tinnitus with it which the doctors keep telling me will go eventually once everything has healed properly. But when the infections 1st started I kept getting this kind of whooshing thumping pulse sound in my ear when I was lying down at night, it literally only lasted a few seconds but it happened quite often for a few weeks, but I spent most of that time really stressed and having alot of panic attacks, then for about a month or so the pulsing thing never happened, then the past 2 weeks i've been really stressy again and its come back about a week ago, again only really when I lie down, cry alot, or strain my neck. And again only lasts a few seconds or if it wont stop when I'm lying down all I need to do is sit up for a minute and it stops again. :shrug:
Its kind of starting to panic me now after making the mistake of googling it because its come up with all sorts of scary problems like narrowing arterys and abnormal blood flow and what not.
I'm suppose to be seeing an ENT in a week or so about my ear problems but i'm scared to mention this symptom incase its something bad, I have a massive needle phobia and I cant put myself through blood tests at the moment and im terrified they'l want some, im also scared of them asking me for an MRI scan. But then again if it was actually something major would it actually of completely gone away for weeks? Does anybody else get this?? Is it an anxiety thing? I've been told I could have catarrh behind the eardrum aswel but I dont no if thats anything to do with the pulsing sound, I've never mentioned it to the doctor because its not been very frequent and is only just happening again! :wacko:

27-02-09, 19:24
I suffer this to it is sooooooo annoying. I did ask about it when i was in hospital a couple of years ago and was told it was my heartbeat and that it was nothing abnormal.

I find it happens mainly at night and i only need to move my head slightly for it to stop or if i cup my ear with hand it stops....sooooo wierd!

Please don't feel scare to ask, i'm sure like me they will say the same thing.


28-02-09, 14:57
Thanks :)

Does anybody else get it?

28-02-09, 15:51

This is very common and it is only a pulse point you are hearing. Please don't worry about it. You are probably just over sensitive to what you are hearing and as a result focusing in on it more than usual.

You are certainly worrying about it because you are relucant to mention it to your doctor in case something sinister is found. Please be assured nothing sinister will be found. Instead your mind will be put at ease if you talk about your concern to you doctor.

28-02-09, 20:43
Yes, I have this too. It started after the birth of my daughter nearly five years ago, but I've just got used to it now. I only really hear it now when it's quiet.

01-03-09, 13:36
Yes I have it too. Its been a few years on and off but mostly at night. Its in my right ear it sounds like blood rushing through my vein, almost like the sound of an ultrasound. Its worse when I turn my head to the opposite site of the affected ear and it completly stops if I put pressure with my finger on the vein in my neck (the spot where you would check your pulse). Its really annoying. I did a bit of research on the computer and I came up with VENOUS HUM. Apparently it happens more to people who are anemic, who have hypothyroidism or are pregnant. But I have neither of the three and still feel it. Its really annoying especially when everything is quiet.


01-03-09, 14:57
Oh that's all I need, I get that hum, I hope I'm not pregnant :scared15:

13-04-09, 21:47
Hi April

I get this too, i have had alot of wax in my ears recently to the point where my hearing went! My pulse sounds started in my ears when my ears where blocked.

Also Tinnitus can cause these sounds too, click the below link then click on "Hear what tinnitus can sound like"



13-04-09, 22:49
I also am due to see ent surgeon in a week about hissing sound in ear in time with my pulse. I asked to be referred because I also looked it up and found out all the scary conditions as well:weep: I had a brain mri less than a year ago that was normal so my Dr is not expecting it to be anything terrible but of course I won't believe it until I have had the tests to rule out the nasty things. You do need to have either a ct or mri scan of head to rule out the nasties but as I have already had 7 mri's for my damaged spine I know I can cope! just!

I am also having sinus problems and all this started after a sinus infection a couple of months ago. I am just starting antibiotics as I feel as if my face will explode these last few days and am getting small amount of green bloody gunk from one nostril - disgusting sorry.

Will let you know what the ent says next week and or what tests I will have for it.

I seem to notice mine from about mid afternoon onwards and the quieter it is the louder it is. its in my left ear only and gets louder if I move my jaw or tunr my head.

26-04-10, 21:31
Hi, I have suffered for many years with this pulsing sound in my left ear, had an operation to remove infection, still got it, had it before op as well. My blood pressure is perfect, my sugar level is perfect, my pulse rate is perfect, so what else can it be? This is all very well telling each other what we've got etc, is there anyone out there who actually knows what causes it, and what the prognosis is at all?

26-04-10, 21:34
Oh-oh! I have just checked the dates of posts on this site and I think everyone has gone to the moon! Perhaps the lack of medical input on this site has something to do with the mass exodus.

26-04-10, 21:37
Well, nice not knowing you all - as it were - so I'll go to the moon too...bye!

05-05-10, 23:39
Hi all you clangers out there, back from the moon yet??

Anyone find betablockers make tinnitus worse? Have been taking Atenolol for last 2 months to combat palps and ectopics, I have suffered bouts of tinnitus for years but it seems a lot worse recently. Just seems like a coincidence.

Jillybean :shrug:

04-11-12, 11:47
(pulsatile tinnitus) it sounds like ..look on u.k tinnitus web site...