View Full Version : Reverie and loss of memory

27-02-09, 16:04
Hello all:)

I've had anxiety for about 3 months now, going up and down, but lately one of my symptoms (if that is what it is?) have been getting worse.

I wonder if any of you also struggle with memory-loss, an elusive sense of time and going off into reveries/thought-streams constantly? For instance, I can remember situations, but I can't pin point when they happened - today, I remember having a conversation with one of my friends, but I couldn't remember if it occured yesterday or a week ago. It's scaring me!

Also, I seem to be lost in my own thoughts all the time. If I go to the kitchen to get something, when I arrive, I forgot what it was that I came for. Is this normal and if so, what can I do to prevent it?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

27-02-09, 19:13
Duplicate post is here....
