View Full Version : why won't I believe im ok?

27-02-09, 19:15
so after months and months of worrying and having myself completly convinced I had cervical cancer, I finally plucked up the courage to go for a smear, I have spent the last 3 weeks in a mess worried sick about the results, my dr who is fab and knows all about my anxiety called me on wed to tell me personally that my smear was normal, relief, well for a few days anyway, now because I still haven't recieved my letter from the smear people I am convinced that she has got my results mixed up, and every time the phone rings I go into a mad panic thinking it is the dr with bad news, just don't know what to do, anxiety sucks xxx

27-02-09, 19:29
i understand i found a little lump in my scrotum, had a scan and all clear, now im questioning that too,

just think you been told even if smears are wrong usually not serious,

but yours is all clear so thats even better no chance of anything bad, write it down on a piece of paper, im starting to list all my complaints and when i get conformation i write the result, keep reading it

trust me all is clear,

nothing anyone will say will stop your thoughts but if you see it in text form by putting it on a post it note on the fridge or computer keep reading it it will do in eventually x x x x x x

27-02-09, 21:48
Vikki, Its that vicious cycle we all get into. All the tests ive had done i always just ring and get results off the receptionist who is not even medically trained, so try to believe the doc she sounds very understanding and wouldn't have given you the wrong results.
I am suffering big time with health anxiety and just trying to focus my thoughts elsewhere instead of my body sensations (very hard i know)
Take care