View Full Version : Pain in lower back - kidney pain?

27-02-09, 23:32
Am trying not to google, but I have right sided lower back pain, it feels very tender to touch and clothes on it hurt too...it's a dull ache too...any ideas....I think Kidney something. There's no visible swelling or anything.....

28-02-09, 00:33
I have no idea sorry but I'm sure someone will.

Whatever you do though, don't google. You know yourself that it'll only bring things up you don't want to see and stuff that is unlikely to be causing it. You will only make your nerves worse and that won't help anything.

Take it easy.

02-03-09, 23:06
The docs says it maybe a kidney infection, as did a dipstick test and there was blood in urine....now I am really panicing....got some antibiotics

02-03-09, 23:11
could be kidney stones, if so, they can remove them surgically with a lazer, no need to open you up ;). Non life threatening so please don't panic.

03-03-09, 01:17
The docs says it maybe a kidney infection, as did a dipstick test and there was blood in urine....now I am really panicing....got some antibiotics

I was going to suggest Kidney Infection. My Kidneys have been infected a couple of times, I was silly and left it too long before seeking help and ended in hospital. You've done a brilliant job, you acted quickly and saw your doctor who has now given you antibiotics before the infection has become any worse.

There is no need to panic, (although this is easier said than done), it can be very common and nothing to worry about now, the medicine he has given you will help clear the infection, nothing worse will happen.

It can be quite painful, but rest assured, it will clear up soon.xx :flowers:

03-03-09, 10:55
The docs says it maybe a kidney infection, as did a dipstick test and there was blood in urine....now I am really panicing....got some antibiotics

I really wouldn't worry too much. Maybe you had a bit of cystitis or something like that and the bacteria travelled up to your kidneys. That happened recently to someone I know and she was in so much agony she had to go to A&E in the middle of the night. A course of antibiotics later she is absolutely fine. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

03-03-09, 13:10
I suffer with Kidney problems and have now been diagnosed with a form of kidney disorder. One of the symptoms I get is pain on right hand side at the back and on the front. It is a deep pulsating pain. I always have blood and protein in my urine and this is how the kidney problems were picked up on last year. However it doesnt just mean that this is what it could be. Maybe you have an infection - water or kidney. Kidney infections can leave you feeling very poorly but antibiotics clear it up and the same goes for water infections too. Drink plenty of water as it helps flush the infection out. Hopefully it all gets sorted for you. Maybe it is nothing but its best to get it checked out just for your peace of mind alone. Hope you feel much better soon.

03-03-09, 20:03
hi i have one kidney always getting infections ive always got blood in my wee even though i carnt see it the doctors told me most people have this it common in people who are fit and really active but i to sometimes get pain there it could be anything but im sure its just an infection kidneys are sensitive and can hurt hope this helps x

04-03-09, 06:04
Oww, now the pain has woken me up it has moved to the front right side and is very sharp and taking my breath away. I am very scared

05-03-09, 13:12
Went back to gp as antibiotics are not working.. they think it is a kidney stone and I have to have an xray on Saturday (I didn't know they did them on saturdays!)

05-03-09, 18:34
Went back to gp as antibiotics are not working.. they think it is a kidney stone and I have to have an xray on Saturday (I didn't know they did them on saturdays!)

Painful but nothing to worry about...........get off this board:D:D:flowers::bighug1:

05-03-09, 20:59
Well my google addiction is back with a vengeance and I now think I have all manner of things.......What if it is bladder cancer or Kidney cancer. I am now panicing big time x

05-03-09, 22:08
Well my google addiction is back with a vengeance and I now think I have all manner of things.......What if it is bladder cancer or Kidney cancer. I am now panicing big time x

STOP IT NOW.:bighug1:

09-03-09, 09:15
Had x ray and am just waiting for results - I am very worried. The pain is bad.

09-03-09, 18:58
I'm really freaking out now. The pain is bad and I can't cope.... I am so frightened it is something bad. I rang the docs and they still haven't looked at the urine test results. They sent them off last Monday, they have them but they just haven't looked at them, it's stooopid. I am so worried that whatever it is is going to get worse and then I am going to have kidney failure or something....please help me :(

09-03-09, 19:11
I just read your post. I do have a form kidney disease and was diagnosed a few months ago. Please stop worrying so much - there are so many conditions that can affect the kidneys. Dont go thinking of the worst possible outcome. Kidney infections can cause a lot of pain and make you feel very unwell but are easily treated with antibiotics. Kidney stones can be massively painful but again can be treated. I realise it is hard to put into practice sometimes but try hard not to worry about anything until you have had the results. Ring the surgery and ask them to tell you your results over the phone - dont be fobbed off, explain you are worried and want the results. Hopefully everything will get sorted out for you.

09-03-09, 19:13

If the pain is really bad and you still have blood in your urine (especially if visible), I would go to A & E.

I've had Kidney infections before and they really need to be cleared up quickly, I ignored it for awhile, (worse thing to do) because as time goes by it can cause immense pain.

If it's extremely painful and you feel sick too, please go to A & E.

Otherwise, if you feel the pain's bearable, wait until the morning and demand for some results, a week is the max amount of time to have waited. They should have them by now, it's important that this infection gets cleared up as soon as possible.

I really don't think you should be worrying about Kidney Failure etc,.. it sounds just like an infection, that can easily be sorted with the right treatment.

Hope you feel better soon. xx

09-03-09, 19:29
Thanks both for your kind words and comments. I have never seen any blood, they just picked it up with the dipstick and the 2nd doc I saw said she didn't think it was an infection as the urine was clear, so that leaves stones and something bad....... I can't stop thinking of bad things xxx

09-03-09, 20:44
Oh yep, sorry I missed your other post.

If you can bear the pain, call the docs first thing in the morning and ask for the results. Explain you are in pain and you feel worried. They should be able to chase them up, otherwise book an emergency appointment to see your GP, then he/she can chase the results for you.

If you feel you're unable to wait because of the pain, you could call NHS Direct 0845 4647, they'd advise you, also what to take for pain relief for the time being.

Hope you feel better soon xx

09-03-09, 21:26
I'm scared this is it......... the pain is now both sides, it was just one for the last week

10-03-09, 10:23
Back again, panicing again.
I rang the docs and they still haven't looked at the results. I asked for the doc to ring me, this is just ridiculous. If it is an infection, it will be too late to treat and then I will die, the xray, they said, is normally 10 days, so if a stone is stuck, then I will die as it will be too long to wait:weep: :weep: :weep:

10-03-09, 10:29
You will not die. Hugs and hugs.

You do need to get it resolved.

I have kidney probs and gettiquite fond of the urology ward at our hospital and although it is agony and makes you feel horrendous you will be fine.

Make an appointment to see the Dr's and take in a wee sample so they can dipstick it. Any traces of blood an protein they can give you anti-b's there and then. Sometimes it is trial and error to get the right ones. Stress how much agony you are in.

The majority of kidney stones pass through themselves. So do drink water/cordial. I drink 2 glasses of lemon barley water a day cos' that helps flush out your system.

Stress the level of pain - they can give you meds to help with the pain.

10-03-09, 10:41
If it is a stone, how long do they take to pass, it has been going on since for 9 days now....?
Thanks for your advice, the docs have no appointments left today :(

10-03-09, 22:51
The docs didn't ring me back with the results.... :(
I am so worried. I feel awful, sick and it hurts.

10-03-09, 23:06
God, what eejits. You won't die though - when I had a kidney infection really badly (peeing clots, like a period from the uthethra - absolutely horrendous!) I should have gone to hospital really, but didn't and I survived. Honestly, if it was that bad, you wouldn't be able to type - all I could do was lie in a darkened room. It is horrible though. I would go up to doctor's tomorrow and not leave until you see someone! And think about moving doctor.

10-03-09, 23:06
Hi :)
I mentioned in my previous message that I have kidney problems so I have some experience of what you are going through. Firstly you will not die from kidney stones if it is kidney stones. If it is an infection then kidney infections can be really painful and make you feel very unwell. I would call the doctors in the morning and firmly tell them that you want the results and if you get fobbed off say you are not prepared to wait any longer and you will stay on the phone until they tell you. You should not have to wait this long and in pain too. If things dont improve and you dont feel that your gp is dealing with this as you would like him to, then is there another gp you can make an appt with. If the pain is very bad and you are feeling sick and have a high temperature then I would either call NHS Direct for advice, call the doctor out to visit you or I would go to the A&E dept at your hospital. Kidney stones can be really painful but sometimes they do flush out mostly of their own accord and over time. If they dont flush out then there are other ways of treating them. It is a very common proble,. Drink plenty of fluids. However you do need to have it confirmed that you have kidney stones or not. I always have blood and protein in my urine and got diagnosed with a kidney disorder. It is not life threatening nor ever likely to be. Please dont assume the worst case scenario. I know that is what anxiety does to us but really try hard not to get too negative about it all. I hope you finally get it sorted and begin to feel much better.

10-03-09, 23:12
Thanks guys. I just feel so desperate and get things out of proportion. I think I will go to the surgery tomorrow and wait till someone sees me.
Thanks for your support, I do appreciate it.
Sorry to hear you have both had/have some probs in this area.

11-03-09, 17:35
OK, so just got back from the docs - urine sample showed no infection, xray showed no kidney stones. So the docs don't know what it is. I am now worried it might be ovarian cancer....that can cause lower abdomen, side and back pain :weep: :weep: :weep: