View Full Version : Why Am I More Likely To Be Plagued At Nighttime...

28-02-09, 01:08
....Weekends & Bank Holidays with my health anxiety? Is it because i can't get to see my GP? Anyone else like me??

HA Sucks :(

28-02-09, 02:30
Yes i'm the same drives my fiance crazy as i can never go to bed at a decent hour.
I know it sucks!!!

i hate panicking
28-02-09, 06:24
Hi Trish,

I too suffer from health anx too,and seem to get worse at night and tend not to get much sleep!!:emot-sleepyhead:

It's funny how you said that it's at weekends when the docs are not open,that is why I dread the weekend in a way because I'm thinking "what if I get ill!!!:ohmy:

Take care

28-02-09, 06:53
This is so true. Nights are the worst for me. Does anyone know what causes this?

28-02-09, 08:12
Nope, but it's 4am and I'm still awake worried about nothing. I hear you all on this one. I'm a teacher and sleep is something I need.

28-02-09, 10:24
I bet that NHS direct see a big increase in calls at weekends, after doctors surgeries are closed and at bank holidays.
The only time I used an out of hours doctor, I was visited by a German doctor (apparently they fly over the UK to do out of hours vists and weekends and then fly back).
He was excellent, far more understanding than the doctors at my surgery. He took more time, explained things to me, wasn't condescending (you know who I mean if you are reading this DR *******) :D
It may be just this winter, but I've seen a lot of after hours doctors around where I live this year. Either the service has improved or more people are ill, or worrying about their health.

take care

mick (checking his pulse again) :D

28-02-09, 12:14
Thank you all, i'm so pleased i'm not on my own on this one.

Another thing that i dread is when my husband says "I'm off to bed now" and i'm still wide awake and feeling the anxiety rise even more!


i hate panicking
28-02-09, 12:22

28-02-09, 12:50
I'm exactly the same.

I know I freak out at night and weekend evenings etc because I know there is less chance of me getting treatment or help etc. I also have a terrible fear of dying without being able to speak to my family before I go. It's irrational I know, people have told me if I calmed down it wouldn't be that bad... but calming down is easier said than done!

I hope it gets easier for you :)

28-02-09, 12:56
nights are the worst for me too! does anyone else fear they may not wake up? i only get about 5 hours sleep because of it!

28-02-09, 12:59
does anyone else fear they may not wake up?

story of my life! :weep:

28-02-09, 14:44
My nights pretty grim too...I am widowed and live alove and before I go to bed I have to go around tidying up, putting out anything I don't want to upset my son with..in case i die through the night!! Then I spend half the night awake and worrying about how I feel!! Got Zopiclone but don't like to use them!! What a pickle!! XXX

01-03-09, 22:42
Yeah, im terrified of sleeping, its so weird, and nobody really gets it, but i really end up putting off getting into bed, im so afriad i won't wake up..

Health anxiety sucks, im 17, and its taking over my life:(!

01-03-09, 22:49
I`m the same. I dread the evenings and going to bed. My kids are in bed, everything is quiet, i`ve got nothing to do and my mind is free to play tricks on me. I put off going to bed until i`m nodding off and then i`ll still lie awake for hours with my palpitations going mad and me convincing myself that i`m having a heart attack :mad: Drives me mad!

01-03-09, 22:56
I was thinking maybe its coz the body is tired and more suceptable(spelling) to the anxiety. and maybe coz at night we dont really have much to do where as in the day we could always find stuff? Baffles me too x

02-03-09, 01:11
I'm the same. I am always staying up until the early hours, too anxious to go off to sleep. I also struggle over the weekends/bank holidays in fact I think it starts as soon as the GP surgery closes on a Friday. :)

02-03-09, 01:19

I think it's because we have more free time at weekends so less distractions? For me nightime is stressfull because you're just lying there in silence: you notice every little thing your body does. Then because it's dark and no distractions, a little tingle in your arm becomes a heart attack etc.
I find reading a book helps alot =)

02-03-09, 08:36
nights are the worst for me too! does anyone else fear they may not wake up? i only get about 5 hours sleep because of it!

I go from one extreme to the other. I'll get myself so worked up that I'll want to go to sleep just for a break from it all, but then I don't want to go to sleep in case I don't wake up! It's like I've got a phobia of sleep or something. I'll literally stay awake until I physically can't any longer. I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep. Even last night, I was very tired (due to lack of sleep!) and drifted off pretty early, but then I woke up on the hour, every hour!

02-03-09, 20:54
ugggggggggg I used to love nighttime - now it's just an opportunity for me to panic, google, and freak. i'm new to this board - finally registered after lurking for a long while, and i have to say it truly helps to discuss with others out there. especially symptoms of health anxiety .. right now i'm dealing with a particularly trying case of neuro symptoms. also - when i lay down at night to sleep i start feeling waves of dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, etc. SO annoying. but HELLO ALL.

03-03-09, 03:40
I know how all of you feel. Mine is worse at night also so i use the internet on my phone to come on to this site, it drives my boyfriend mad when he is trying to sleep. I think it is worse at night because its dark and your just laying in bed with no distractions and your brain is active it can just go into overdrive. I find using my phone to come on here when it happens to me very helpful X x x