View Full Version : Terrified of having Brain Anerysm...

28-02-09, 02:58
When I was 18 I found out my neck was straight where there should be a curve and since then I've suffered from all sorts of crappy symptoms (Headaches, weakness etc...) well the other day it was hurting pretty bad and I decided to google (first mistake) some remedies for neck pain. Well you know google and you type in one thing and it pulls up a million others and it pulled up a site about anerysms. Of course me and my panicky self had to go to that site and it said one of the symptoms of a brain anerysm is a sore neck. And of course there was other symptoms such as double vision (which I have because of an astigmatism in my left eye) etc...
So I dwelled on it and dwelled on it and yesterday I woke up and my neck was killing me, which caused me to panic and land in the ER.
And it has really set me back. I haven't been to the hospital for a panic attack in over 2 years and now I am close to coming apart at the seams again.
Not only am I still convinced I have a brain anerysm but I feel like I'm going to fall apart again.

28-02-09, 03:22
hiya just want to say that i also think this. i have suffered with headaches for so long that i was in and out of the docs clinic constantly. One of the docs made the mistake of telling me the symptoms of this . the last couple of days has been terrible as i have had a stiff neck and strange headache so have been really worried, i have also googled my symptoms its not a good idea i know but cant it sometimes. but i think my problem has more to do with that ive been taking fluoxetine for just over 3 weeks and im still getting lots of anxiety. love and hugs ley xxx

28-02-09, 03:30
I told the ER doc about my anerysm fear yesterday and she basically told me I was just panicking. That's what freaks me out the most about panic attacks. Like what if this time when I go to the ER it's not just panic but they don't do anything because they think it's panic and they send me home and I take a turn for a worse.
And in the back of my mind I DO know it's just anxiety causing all of this, but I can't seem to truly convince myself of this.
It's horrible, I can't even go to sleep anymore unless I have my cellphone clutched in my hand in case I have to call 911.

28-02-09, 13:04
omg stacers i have the exact same fear, like if i hear a strange noise in my head i think i may have that or if my neck cracks..im like obsessed over it. ive had a head ache/eye ache on one side for days on end and last night i woke up in the middle of the night with the most awful pain in the top of my head and it terrified me. the pain is just one area and it hurts if i push it. it also hurts in my eye socket, temple, behind my ear and down my neck. it scares me so much but i just tell myself you cant live in fear - most people would just think oh headache/neck ache and not give it a second thought. just wanted to let you know you're not alone!

28-02-09, 13:33
im the same here too i woke up one day with pain on one side of my head and ended up going to the hospital they did tests on me for anuerysm and stroke but all came up negative they did notice however i didnt have any reflex in my left foot which scared me into thinking maybe something is wrong well my headaches went but lately they came back but this time i started getting dizzy spells and weakeness in my left leg with weird twitches in leg as well and of course my fear of anuerysm and also stroke is back big time i have not long had a severe shooting pain on one side of my head and my panic is off big time so i decided to come on here and notice your thread i just want you to know you are certainly not on your own on this one and i really do hope you feel much better soon xx