View Full Version : Terrified of the doctor

28-02-09, 08:04
I don't know why, but I am terrified to go to the doctor. I think he/she is going to look at me and say "you are dying". Weird hey? I'm new to this site, but would love to not feel alone here. I have been suffering with anxiety for about five years now and have some bad health anxiety. I'm 28, pretty good shape, exercise a nice bit, don't smoke, but still very afraid of the doctor. I get scared over the smallest medical things (I think: Flu=Cancer, Nausea=some undiscovered instant death stomach sickness) :blush: I am going to a brand new doctor soon and I am terrified. I know he will want to do blood work etc and I'm am sooo scared. :scared15:

28-02-09, 09:42
You're not alone. I'm exactly the same. Whenever I think something is wrong with me and someone says 'well why don't you go to the doctor?' the very thought freaks me out. I wouldn't mind but the doctors I do see are really great and usually put my mind at ease. It's the thought of going that scares me and more often than not I don't go. It's just as well really because I'd be there every other day!

28-02-09, 11:27
Im terrified of doctors too! I have to see an ENT in over a week and i'm already panicking myself silly because im scared to death what there going to want to do!

28-02-09, 12:11

Welcome to the site.

You are not alone with your fear of the doctors, I hate going and even when I have to take my kids it brings my anxiety on. It isn't just the doctors with me it's anything to do with the medical profession, I think half of my trouble is the waiting to see them, I get in such a state and feel the need to run out of the surgery. My next mission is going to the dentist and can imagine what a state I am going to get in. No you are not alone with this one.


28-02-09, 18:32
I am the same just entering a doctors surgery makes me nervous even when i am not there for me!!

28-02-09, 18:48
I suffer from high blood pressure and I am sure it is only high because I am so afraid at the doctor's. He once remarked that my pulse rate was 110 and I said it was because of my fear that he is about to tell me that I am dying. I just got a strange look from him!

02-03-09, 06:09
Thank you!!! Wow, everyone here is super nice and supportive. You all warm my heart and ease my burden. Thank you.

02-03-09, 10:15
i completely understand this too. i'm off to the doctors very soon and am completely terrified of what he might say, so you aren't alone.
it's interesting how some people here are completely reliant on their doctors to ease their health anxiety, and for some of us the doctors is all part and parcel isn't it?

hope it goes okay for you x

02-03-09, 11:12
Oh my goodness! i completely relate to this situation! it was actually just yesterday that i went to the doctor and almost fainted. i was completely stressed from everything that i was thinking-every 'what if' and all. i just got over excited and ended up causing myself to have a very serious panic attack. and looking at it now, i'd say if anything, they were just there to reassure me i was alright. silly thing, freaking out about the doctor..but it's just something that has happened and i reassure you, you are NOT alone, dear.

with being pregnant at the time, i'm going to see a million doctors in the next half of my pregnancy. i'm trying my hardest to cope with my stresses and to understand that it's all "in my head". like you, i feel it's a rough situation and i know all too well how horrible you may feel. but know that help is with you, right inside yourself. i will be trying my hardest to get past my fears and i hope that support and strength are with you as well.

I always bring my fiance any time i go. but unfortunately, he was working this past time and i believe that was a lot of the reason for my severe relapse. but I've found bringing a friend or spouse for support, even asking a nurse, can help ease your mind. knowing that you have someone who will keep you safe and assure you that everything will be fine. having that support should help you through it.

I really hope everything works out for you. be safe and remeber, this too shall pass!