View Full Version : Feeling desperate need help - swollen neck symptoms?

28-02-09, 09:54

I have been experiencing a swollen neck feeling (outside) on and off for the last few months. I have had two ultrasounds on my thyroid which came back normal.

I have just found out I am pregnant and I so desperately want to be happy and excited about it - but this problem is stopping me from doing so.

Has anyone had any experience on this? It feels mainly when I am hot - or it is hot or humid that I feel this way more. Other times it feels quite normal.

I am also on Escitalopram / Lexapro / Cipralex and don't know whether this could be some kind of side effect or not?

My doctor doesn't seem to worried about it - but I am :lac:

28-02-09, 12:55
I can't really help much, but just tell you that I have the same sort of symptom at the moment.

My neck, working down from my ears feels swelled up, kind of like mumps or something, but I have a viral/chest infection so my doctor has told me it's just swollen glands from that.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope you get better soon and enjoy the experience of motherhood! :hugs:


01-03-09, 01:19
Thanks Kaybee, I hope you are on the mend soon.

Anyone else - please??