View Full Version : hello

28-02-09, 11:05
just been to see my doc yesterday as i have been feeling awful with anxiety over the last month, diffculty sleeping always on edge, run down etc..

does anyone have any experience of something called buspar that i have been prescribed?

i do not like taking any drugs and i was hoping this anxiety woul just pass, to be hones i was kinda ignorant of such a condition previously and after one days reseacrh and reading from a number of sites its amazing how many people have this problem..

hope everyone takes care and any info much appreciated :)

28-02-09, 11:27
thank you tetley :)

28-02-09, 11:57

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


28-02-09, 12:12
Hi Thoma,

:welcome: to NMP you will find this site a great source of advice and support and make some good friends along your journey to recovery.

If you post your question in the medication section you might get more answers to your question, not tried it myself.


28-02-09, 12:18
thanks guys will do...

i have aready found out so much in such a short time... the site is really good and its great to have so much info at hand.. aybe now i can mke an informed decission about the medication precribed for me

28-02-09, 12:24
Hi Again,

Has your doctor recomended anything else in confunction with meds? ie: talking therapy, CBT, might be worth looking at if you are wary of meds although meds do have their place in recovery as well,


28-02-09, 12:29

no he thinks the meds are the way to go.. i have done a couple of major things in the last month re locatted, new job etc..

i thougt the anxious feelings were related to them.. i may wait a couple of days and see how things go... :)

28-02-09, 12:45
Hi again,

You really have had a stressful time lately, have you thought about stress management?


28-02-09, 12:52

No I have not... Maybe I will read up a it on it...

I just feel that although this month has been tough for me there are in my opinion identifiable reasons... I know I have been stressed with my move etc...

But i can only tell the Dr my symptoms and hope for the best advice...

As a new patient to the surgery I have also to see a nurse soon... Maybe I will also asj her advice...

Thank you

28-02-09, 12:56
That sounds like a great idea, nurses usually have more time to listen and will be able to give you some great advice. I know when I am stressed my symptoms are worse.


28-02-09, 13:41
Hi Thoma77, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D

28-02-09, 22:58
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


01-03-09, 17:11
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx