View Full Version : increased dose - feel rubbish, any advice ?

28-02-09, 11:45
Hi all

Have been taking citalopram for 7 weeks following the birth of my daughter who is now 12 wks old. I have suffered with panic attacks/anxiety for several years and coped with flouoxetine which i felt was really good. Anyway a couple of days after the birth i had a huge panic attack and thought i was dying, i went for an emergency appointment and was checked over and was fine. The week after i returned to docs as so anxious and he put me on 20mg of citalopram. After two weeks i started to feel better and even started venturing out of the house, then my beloved grandfather died suddenly and my anxiety went out of control. I had to return to docs where he gave me some diazepam to take to ease the symptoms. After this i felt ok for a few weeks, then 2 weeks ago i started feeling anxious again, this time about my health. Every twinge i worried about constantly, worried i may have a terrible illness, i overbreath without realising it and feel like i have been running till so out breath my chest hurts. My back is really painful which i worry about but is probably muscular tension. I returned to doctors last week and they upped meds to 40mg, so for a couple of days i took 30mg and then increased to 40mg on Monday (so on day 6). I feel really spaced out still, anxious and can't stop thinking about my health, i toss and turn at night and feel generally rubbish.
Sorry to go on but can anyone give me some light at the end of tunnel with increasing the dosage, will this all pass ?? Thanks

28-02-09, 20:30
Hi Deb, firstly i would like to say how sorry i am about your grandfather.Its common to start worrying about your own health when you have a loss of someone close.You are obviously experiencing side effects from your dose increase ,and this will pass as it did when you started on them.It usually takes 4-6 weeks to settle in your system,but this doesnt mean you will feel bad for this ammount of time. Congrats on the baby ,hope you have someone to help you if you are having an off day.? ALL THE BEST SUE