View Full Version : Im a right panicker every symptoms possible

28-02-09, 12:45
Every symptom what is on the symptoms page of this site I have had, they come and go all the time. But I have got to a stage where

im really paranoid that my head don't feel right, it feels wierd and spacey, and my ears are really sensitive to sound I never get headaches though.

My vision is fine but it feels like I am spaced right out. I had a blood test what was fine and eyesight was better than 20/20.

I am so convinced i have a brain tumor. or something wrong with my head and i have been sufering with anxiety and stress for past 3 weeks. its hard to ignore the wierd head sensation. Can anyone give me some re-assurance?

28-02-09, 12:51
You feel suddenly light-headed, woozy or dizzy. This is sometimes accompanied by a feeling that you might faint or pass out. It also may feel as though you are walking on a boat, or that the floor seems to move up and down and it's hard to balance. You may also have difficulty placing your feet because your perception of the ground or floor may be wrong. In some cases it may seem that even though you are standing on a firm floor, the floor may be vibrating or moving.

This is a very common feeling that most sufferers get. It’s usually as a result of hyperventilation but also of intense fear and the adrenalin hit.
This is a quote from "symptoms" in the "main menu" on the left of screen.
You have to scroll through a bit but loads of good info there

28-02-09, 13:15
yer but my ears are really sensitive to noise aswell? i just dont feel right in myself and it has felt lyk that for weeks

I just want to know how long it will take to go away because i will feel at peace