View Full Version : citalopram and digisetive problems

28-02-09, 15:48
I started on it last week and then gave up after 3 days as my stomach was so sore - am now trying again and already day 1 - really painful stomach. It just hurts.

Has anyone any helpful advice- chemist suggested motillium 10 which I've just taken - seems to be making it less awful - do I need to let them kick in as well?

I know it will pass - but it is going to be really hard to get to the point where the stomach feels better and I am worried I'll give in again


28-02-09, 18:04
Hi Fred

I'm on day 4 and can say yesteray was the worst for my stomach, i was getting painful griping pains, I also have hardly eaten much, I'm not a big eater at the best of times but am right off food. Also the citalopram seems to have frozen everything up in my bowel and will have to resort to laxatives tonight...great stuff this isnt it!:yesyes:

28-02-09, 18:40
Hi doomandgloom - yes it is - though I went on them 2 years ago and when they kicked in they were great - really helped - just got to get through the first problems - I am thinking this motillium stuff might be helping a bit...

though still don't fancy eating anything - have to try to get somehting down to help.

if you can a hot water bottle helps a bit as well


28-02-09, 21:07
Hi guys, I was just reading your posts here and I'm really thankful to read about motillium, I'm going to look into that. :)

I've been taking cit. for a month and I've been experiencing a lot of digestive issues. :unsure: Lots of griping pains, nausea and bloating. I haven't been constipated, in a way the medication has got me going to the loo in a routine again. Although over the past week I've had a lot of discomfort, and over the past couple of days I have had really dodgy guts :wacko: I can't equate it to anything else other than the medication (and general anxiety)

28-02-09, 21:18
Hi :)

I too get stomach pains and nausea sometimes, usually about half hour after taking a tab. I find that making sure I don't take it on an empty stomach helps or I will take it before I go to bed so that I am in a comfy place if I start to feel a bit blurgh.. but this is only now and again. Especially if I have forgotten to take a pill and I'm a day late. ( naughty I know pfft )

I also found that I don't get on well with the main brand you get ' Citalopram' the fillers in it give me the squirts!..I was forever having to run to the loo. I found taking Cipramil or Elopram works better for me. It still has the main ingredient Citalopram but the fillers are different and that makes a huge difference for me.

Huggles xx