View Full Version : I need your help members of nomorepanic please

28-02-09, 15:56
Hi everyone

Im looking to be reasurred on some things and to see if people can relate to what Im going through ..

Ill try keep it as breif as possible ..

About 6 months ago I noticed palputations .. and fast heart rate so i was worried, I couldn't get no sleep, I actually got drove to the emergency hospital because I think I would of ended up having a heartattack, bare in mind Im only 18 but was 17 then, so I was kept in there overnight, they said It was a little fast but see how I would be in the morning, So I felt fine (well reasonable) just a bit shook up..

So ever since then iv been getting palpitations for about 4 months, when I was lying in bed at night worrying about the rat of my heart , it was about 110 BPM ,, I think it was that beacause I got told that the more you think about aneixty the more adrenaline it pumps into your heart, therefore faster heartrate..

About a week after being in the hospital, having a panic attack I assume.. The palputations were getting more noticeable, so I called for an ambulance to come and check me out, they said my heart rate was fine and there's nothing to worry about...

This happened twice in 2 weeks getting the ambulance out..

So .. things kind of settled down, I seen my GP to get a check up .. he says your heart sounds fine and theres no way you will have a heartattack if you don't take any drugs or stuff like that.. so I was reassured to a point..

So I accepted my palpitations .. got on with it and forgot about them most of the time until I was sitting on my pc desk just listening to music through my headphones, I felt *pause* THUD! pause THUD and then a fast heart beat .. so I was crapping it , I got up .. walked fast downstares for a glass of water (funny enough thats all i could think about, is water .. i always seem to do when I get these thuds :s) .. so I went to my mams room and said my hearts playing up again so I was trying to breath slowly to calm my self down, i leaned over the bed trying to relax .. so then I went into my room and sat back down .. and things stopped..

But about an hour ago its happend again .. i had to get some fresh air and a glass of water ..

But im keep thinking what if I do have a heartattack? what if this is something harmful???

I know I have anxiety as Im stressed and have a few signs of anxiety .. iv even got a few grey hairs .. and im only 18 :blush:

It just feels like I will have a heartattack .. but is this rare? I read its harmless .. and a GP told me when u have anxiety u notice it more .. and skipping and thuds are normal.

I will really , really appreciates any help or anyone who can to me about this ...

i hate panicking
28-02-09, 16:05
Hiya Lar3,

I can assure you they are panic attacks...all the classic symtoms are there,it's like a vicious circle when your having them because then you home in on everything whats happening with your body(especially your heart)!!

Have you got a paper bag?(for your breathing).

Take care x

28-02-09, 16:08
Hi, thanks very much for the reply ..

I dont have a paperbag .. breahing isnt really what im worried about its that thud what makes me think its going to thud and then race into a heartattack and im going to have one right here right now

I smoke about 20 a day .. is this the cause of it? Or anxiety .. as iv been stressed for months

So is it harmless? I wont die or anything will I?

Take care

28-02-09, 16:14
Since you ,ve had your heart listened to by a few people.Its safe to assume you are bringing this on yourself from worrying about it.It wont kill you.trust me.Look on the forum here on how to breath correctly.Chances are you are not.

28-02-09, 16:16
thanks alot mick.. i appreshiate everyones help and understanding .. better then when I google it and people say heart trouble and things :(

i hate panicking
28-02-09, 18:51
Hi again......

DO NOT google it's the worst thing you can do when your feeling the way you do;)


03-03-09, 19:03
Hi Lar3

I had lots of palpitations a few years ago and my doctor told me to gentle rub up and down the artery on the side of my neck (one side only). The other thing to do if you will excuse the description is to hold your nose and strain as if your are constipated and trying to go to the toilet. Both of these work for me. Now a days the minute I feel that first thud I rub my neck and relax, and thankfully they don't get any worse.

It's worth giving it a go
Good Luck, Mistral