View Full Version : sick feeling

28-02-09, 21:55
has anyone had the flu before you had your anxiety condition and after lying in bed for a couple days really sick- you start to get a little better so you try to be productive that day and felt really weak, faint feeling, foggy and kind of out of it?? (of course it did not bother us then because we knew it was the flu and would go away)

well that is how i have been feeling for a couple weeks now (without the flu).

can anyone relate????
i really cannot take this anymore!

28-02-09, 22:39
hiya, recovery from flu or any other viral condition can take a good few weeks - even after you start to feel better. I had my first and only bout of flu in my life 4 years ago and i was off work for 3 weeks (i had only been back at work a few weeks after an 11 week absence due to anxiety when i got the flu - i think my system was really weak and i was run down)

Even after having the flu for 3 weeks it was a good month later before i felt back to fighting fit - viral infections can hang around for a while.

Hope you feel better soon
K x

28-02-09, 23:27
thanks but i guess i was trying to say i do not have the flu but the way that i feel with my anxiety reminds of having the flu... does that make sense?

02-03-09, 10:44
I developed flu like symptoms (including diarrhea), after my first real panic attack. Give it time you will get better, I did. Since anxiety brings down the immune system, I can see why one would get sick. This follows the same concept of when one gets nervous, and throws up, except us anxiety dwellers worry to an obsessive amount, thus we have these episodes of sickness.