View Full Version : Too worried to enjoy fatherhood

01-03-09, 01:47
Hey everyone,

SO I always worry about cancer. I'm sure I'm not alone but sometimes it's all I can think about and drive myself crazy about it.

My dad has nothing and the entire family (men) has had nothing wrong, I'm (33) have had nothing health wise wrong. I am very strong and big build. I don't smoke and generally I am fit. I do drink a little but I'm cutting down.

I'm just sick of worrying about it and now I have just had a beautiful baby boy I want to focus on him and stop worrying about the big c.

I think it's because my sister had breast cancer. My other sister hasn't.

Maybe I just wanted to vent.

Anyone else worry about it?

01-03-09, 13:13
Your not alone
I think about it all the time as well
Every ache and pain i get im convinced its cancer related
Like right now ive got a pain in the middle of my back right next to my spine so im thinking it could be cancer related.
I know im being silly when my mind is rational but then the what if sneaks in.

01-03-09, 16:47
I know its hard but please try not to worry. I too am having similar feelings but only because of recent health problems. You are a young fit guy and like a lot of us on here your anxiety has been triggered by something traumatic that has happened in our lives. I never used to worry until my friend took his life last year and other problems and now I can't get out of the vicious cycle. Keep yourself busy with your little boy, otherwise you will miss out on many precious moments and eventually you will feel better about things. Talking helps so you've done the right thing coming on here. Its my first day and its already helping me! Take care you will be okay x

01-03-09, 17:05
It's something I worry about a lot too. My sister in law was recently diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and ever since then I have convinced myself that I have something like that too. I worry about every ache and pain and at a time when I should be enjoying my gorgeous granddaughter, instead I am consumed with constant worry and anxiety about my health. I really wish I knew the answer to this as it seems to affect a lot of people :hugs: