View Full Version : weird spasms in my left hand

22-07-05, 18:18
hey everyone,
i've been feeling a lot better recently, and so haven't been posting much.
but today, i was just sitting on the sofa watching TV (i quit my job and am currently a lady of leisure!), when i started feeling a strange tingling sensation in my left hand. every time i thought 'oh it's nothing, just forget it', i felt another spasm. now my hand feels really limp and tingly and a bit like i can't move my fingers properly.
is this yet another symptom of anxiety? i've never had it before and it's freaking me out a little...
also, if it is an anxiety thing, how can i get rid of it? relaxation techniques?
any feedback would be hugely appreciated!
thanks everyone xxx

22-07-05, 18:57
I get that in me left leg. Doing stretches really helps me..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

22-07-05, 20:02
I get that in my hand sometimes it goes all weak and tingley
I just get something to squeeze or just keep clenching your hand and it will pass like all the symptons do eventually.

Barb x

22-07-05, 21:29
Yes I get this. Also in the left leg to a lesser extent. There's a tinglyness (not quite pins and needles, because it doesn't get any worse) and sometimes waves of aching. On days when this happens, my hand does indeed feel a bit numb or weak.

I've been assured its nothing serious (brain tumor was my worry), because its transient - there are days when its back to normal.

Its not a 'classic' anxiety symptom (atleast as far as I can find), but from reading these forums there seems to be some substantial evidence that it a) more common than you'd think and b) it happens in the left limbs almost exclusively.

22-07-05, 22:54
Hi Henri, yep anxiety, I get this. It is worrying though, but try not to worry

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

23-07-05, 10:03
thanks for your replies everyone. it was such a weird thing, i seriously thought there was something wrong with my hand! but luckily it went just as mysteriously as it appeared.
thanks for the reassurance! xx