View Full Version : Why can't I accept what the doctor says

01-03-09, 11:09
What's it gonna take to stop me worrying?

I finally plucked up courage to go the doctor last week. I've been having nasty stomach and pelvic cramps. I was also pretty worried that I seem to get a spasmy sensation on the right hand side of my lower abdomen...like it literally bubbles up. I've had this years and years but started freaking about it a few weeks ago and finally went to the Doctor.

We went through all my symptoms and she gave me an exam. Felt all around the area and said that there was very very prominent muscle that she could feel. Felt all around it and said there was absolutely nothing to worry about because everything felt fine and the only unusual thing was that this muscle was very prominent but that there was nothing whatsoever wrong with it. We talked things through and surprise surprise stress seemed to be triggering everything.

I came out thrilled and had a day of feeling so relieved that I wasn't dying of something but within 24 hours I'm doubting everything again.

What questions did I actually ask her?
Did I forget to say that this muscle spasms a bit?
Did she feel it properly?
Did she miss a great big tumour lying underneath?

Do other people feel like this? How on earth do you put it to one side and get on with things...short of going back and demanding an xray and signed and dated copies of the xrays to keep in a little folder marked "I'm not dying" :huh:

01-03-09, 12:18

What you have just said is very common within anxiety related issues. Many people that visit this site can realte to how you feel. Please be assured that there is nothing life threateningly wrong with you. You have been to doctors and come out with reasurrance. Try to have faith in what you have been told.

It is very common for people to go over what was said and how it was said and this just helps to feed a fear that is out of proportion.

Your best approach is to try and relax and distract yourself from these thoughts and things should improve.

02-03-09, 01:35
I hear you on this one, I went to the doctors and she said I was fine, so I had a day that was wonderfully pain free, I play basketball and I never feel anything weird while I run. But then when you have some down time, your mind can roam wild with the what ifs... I'm always asking myself such things as "What if it got worse since the doctor checked me out? What if the missed something? What if I didn't explain something well enough for them to understand?" Those are worse than any pain I've felt from HA.

I agree with Utility, best way is to find something to do, something that's fun, that doesn't get you mad. For me, my dad and I bought some wood, and I'm gonna make a desk! Woodworking always calms me. I also find listening to a favorite album helps take some worrying away, maybe reading the new book from your favorite author! There's always things to help keep your mind of off HA, but sometimes the HA detours us from doing what we love.

04-03-09, 13:48
hi, I can completly relate to you on this, I recently plucked up the courage to go for a well over due smear, completly convinced I had cancer was dreading the results, my dr who knows how bad my anxiety is actually called me to tell me my result was normal, relief, well only until I convinced myself that she had got it wrong and given me someone elses result, completly rediculous, I know. about a week later my letter arrived with my normal result in black and white. I have stuck it on the fridge to keep reminding my self im ok. crazy xx

05-03-09, 11:57
Wow, Ive finally found someone who suffers from the same thing. For about the last ten years I have had a similar problem. For me It is a gnawing pain in my right hand side that can be felt at all times. Some times I feel it is worse when I have a full bladder. It is about2 inches to the right of my navel on the right hand side of my abdomen. I can only liken the pain to a ball of gravel. It tends to be worse in the mornings. When I push into my stomach I can also feel what seems to be a pronounced muscle. I have been to the doctors so many times over the years and i have been given so many pointless answers, usually something like "Theres nothing there that it can be" or "Maybe you slept funny". I also worried it could be something serious. I managed to get a scan over my bladder one time to check to see if I had stones of some kind but was given the all clear. I was prescribed antispasmodics but they did nothing. The last time I went the doctor pushed me where it hurt and I screamed as it was like having a knife pushed into me, but still the doctors showed no signs of concern. Many a time I have wondered if I could have a twist in my intestines or something as Ive always suffered a lot from digestive pains. Now Im thinking, its been there for so many years it cant be dangerous. I am trying to look after myself by paying attention to nutrition to see if it improves. I have always been stressed so maybe its due to this. Who knows. Recently I had an abnormal smear test, and my brain is trying to tell me its tied in with this, which is stupid as Ive had it ten years or so and its my first ever abnormal smear. Readong your post has assured me that maybe this is somehow normal to some people. I am on no medication for this. Please let me know if you manage to find a way or relieving the discomfort as Id be very interested to hear.