View Full Version : Anxiety causes no sleep

01-03-09, 12:39
my anxiety and stress has had an overload and i am a nervous wreck and i think i have health anxiety anything what don't feel right i start having a heavy panic about. I have noticed every day i panic all day that night it feels lyk i dont get no sleep.

Every day my mind has been peaceful i still wake up a couple of times but it is not as bad. I jus feel like in in a viscous cycle. I feel more and more tired every day and makes me feel unreal and spaced out and it scares me even more.

Looking at a computer screen every day is normal for me and it makes me feel worse for some reason how comz?

wb if anyone can give me any advice and tips

claire m
01-03-09, 15:20
hi shaunyboi, I too have trouble sleeping at night and find its when my anxiety peaks. I am currently trying different meds from the doctors until i find the one that best suits me.
I have had a really tough week and feel like a zombie today my whole body hurts so bad.
I would visit your gp and get some advice thankfully my gp is great and i feel i can turn to him no matter what.
I dont think i am much help but i thought i would let you know you are not alone. xx

01-03-09, 18:05

Please don't sit in front of a PC for more than an hour at a time. It can be one of the worst things for bringing on headaches, cramps, tension, eye strain and so on. Take a break for about 5 mins each time and I'll bet you feel a lot better.

People always think of worst case senarios when it comes to not feeling quite right and instead should look at the more obvious reasons for something. In your case it might be something as simple as poor posture while sitting at your PC.

Remember that if you are using your PC in a work environment then your employer is duty bound to ensure that it is used in a safe and proper manner.

i hate panicking
01-03-09, 19:03
Hi shaunyboi69,

I think alot of people are In the same boat as you, Including me....I have been having real trouble sleeping at the mo I might nod off for a couple of hours,but then that's it can't get back to sleep and it's worse at night:weep:.

Utility has a valid point about the pc..even if you just have a 5 min break to make a cuppa or something:).

Take care x