View Full Version : panic attacks and insomnia

claire m
01-03-09, 15:16
i was wondering if anyone suffers from panic attacks at night, i am really struggling at the moment i am having great trouble sleeping at night i have tried amitriptyline and zopiclone but its not helping much, i fall asleep no problem but then wake panicking about 2 hours later. i can hear my heart thumping and i dread im going to die if i fall back asleep so the cycle continues. last night i actually woke up with chest pains.
can sleep exhaustion cause chest pains?
i have had approx, 8 hrs sleep in 3 nights today i feel crazy!

01-03-09, 15:30

You are not alone with this trust me

Put in the key words of "sleep panic" in the search box and search in titles only (advanced search) and you will find loads of other posts about it and maybe some of them will reassure you.

i hate panicking
01-03-09, 15:38
Hi Claire m,

Well then I must be crazy too:wacko: as I have had about the same amount of sleep as you and it's a nightmare!!

When I get panic attacks it's usually at night If I do EVENTUALLY fall asleep and suddenly wake up or have a panic attack there's no chance me falling back to sleep,I also get the chest pains and heart thumping but I do think that's something to do with exhaustion and of course the panic attacks!!!

:closedeyes:Take care x

01-03-09, 15:54
I often gets this when i am about to fall to sleep. Just when i feel that i i relax, it just start, i get warm, banging heart and chest tightness.
Also i get a feeling like i am falling. Like bad vertigo.

claire m
01-03-09, 17:53
thanks i will read through the posts tonight.