View Full Version : help ??

01-03-09, 15:34
ive been to my docs loads of times 3 years ago had all bloods done and had every inch checked by 2 local doctors but yesterday had 2 crampy pains in right abdomen and next day went to loo lots of wind and a blob of mucus which seamed to have a couple of hair like strwaks of what i thought was blood im banned from my docs because she says seeing me is doing more harm than good and i have to convince my self my body is not trying to kill me and she stresed i dont have bowel or stoamch cancer and i dont need any tests and she said i would go through months of hell for the results to be normal but im worried why this happened they wont send me for tests as they said im phsicaly healthy but not in my mind and its unheard of in my age and the hospital wouldnt look till im 45 and the test are expensive and im more at risk of the barium than bowel or stomach cancer

01-03-09, 17:48

Your doctor is correct, you would only be feeding a fear. The main thing is that you have been checked out and everything is fine.

Faint strands of blood in body fluids can be for many reasons and not one of them in any way life threatening.

I don't think you will be banned from your doctors, but instead your doctor just does not see the need for further tests. I do think it is worth your while having a chat with your doctor about concerns you are having over health issues - just to put your mind at ease.

Just remember - cramps, wind and having to go to the loo - sounds like anxiety just giving a wee bit of tummy trouble.

01-03-09, 21:58
Hi Paul

You could always get one of those self testing bowel kits, I think they're about £10 from a pharmacy and it picks up if there is any blood in stools, i am thinking of getting one myself because I always think there is something wrong with mine!!


02-03-09, 14:34
hi the stool itself is fine sometimes all balls other times loose the streaks of what i thought was blood was in the mucus but havent seen any since ut seam to have wind abit fealt like someone let a balloon go in my backside lol and a long squelchy fart since this happened feel like need to go to loo alot more and is looser than normal; also my doctor said im only 31 and its unheard of in my age and they wouldnt start looking till 45and i have to stop going to see them as its hurting me more in the long run and they stressed i dont have cancer but i carnt get it out my mind as the symptoms still bug me my docs are ace always have alot of time for me and are very caring