View Full Version : Is it possible to beat anxiety without medication?

23-07-05, 01:43
Since my parents think "this is all in my head", they wont let me see a psychiatrist and get medication and therapy for my GAD and depression. So that is why I am wondering if anxiety can go away completely by itself?


23-07-05, 09:33
I and many others have tackled our anxiety and panic drug free and I didn't have any official therapy either.

I used books and sheer hard work.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-07-05, 10:42
i beat it first time without medication and relaxation techniques was hard work but then when i started having major blips i resorted to medication because things have gotten so bad, still in early stages of starting the meds so will see if when it kicks in actually helps.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

23-07-05, 10:54
Hello Robert - yes another med free survivor and very glad that I did as when I read people post about the troubles they have adapting to meds in the first place and then trying to come off them made me happy with my choice.

However people are individuals and what works for one may not work for others.

Bach flower remedy spray is a godsend, ask your parents to buy you some it is cheap (about £5) and last about three months with daily useage.

Take care and good luck.


23-07-05, 10:56
hi robert...
first of all i want to say it was good to say hi on msn yesterday...
i do not take medication as that is my personal choice... although everyone is different but it can definately be controlled by alot of hard work and determination... and also with the friends i have made and the advice on this site...

23-07-05, 11:18
It IS possible to beat it without meds - lots of hard work though..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

23-07-05, 15:03
Hi there,
I agree with the others, you can 'survive' without meds. I believe people have set-backs whether they take meds. or not, that's life i guess? Every now and then i feel a bit rough, but really over the many years, i think i have had more good times than bad. It's just when you do have a 'blip' it wipes out all the good times (for a while anyway) take care and please do keep in touch. xxxxx

23-07-05, 15:55
hi rob i,m sorry to hear your parents think it,s all in your head as we on here know differently i too think you can get through without medication i have had beta blockers but only take them now and then until i feel confident enough to fight back i think it,s the positive attitude we have to find that will help us i know these are scary but try not to let the feelings get control of you we are all here for one another shaz.xx


23-07-05, 16:56
I have been med free for over 7 years now (sounds like I should be at an an AA meeting lol) so I am doing it alone as they say.

Hard work, determination and lots of support will help along the way.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

24-07-05, 09:37
You can do it med free, like others have said it is hard work though.

Have had some major blips through the years and have taken drugs for it but that was mainly through depression.

Have your parents look at this forum...you never know it might change there outlook on it. Don't worry they are not the only parents that think this. Mine did until they learnt more about it, then they were the most supportive people around.

with good wishes


30-07-05, 09:58
Thank you everyone, sorry that I didn't post sooner to say thanks :D


30-07-05, 10:19
i did it med free causei hate taking tablets at first it was hard but now its okay still have off days but not many.

08-01-11, 20:03
A really old thread, but great to hear this can be beat without medication.

I have beat it before with the use of SSRIs

08-01-11, 20:15
Unfortunately, many people don't realize how complicated and powerful the mind is unless they experience the nervous illness themselves. But at the end, it is you who will ultimately help yourself and manage your way out of the labyrinth. Anxiety isn't a medical illness to be solely treated with medications, despite the exaggerated thinking it provides us with, rather it is the manifestation of an underlying reason and therefor the meds are only there as part of a grander therapy.

You don't need a psychiatrist, but you certainly need guidance which should include friendly social interaction, parental support and working with a therapist for an overall benefit. All this also requires PATIENCE, try not to " escape " from your problems because it will only aggravate the discomfort, fear and depression are vital for development, they will always exist in our lives, they will come and go, it is our REACTION and STRESS MANAGEMENT that need to change.

I insist you to continue to your parents about this.