View Full Version : So Scared

01-03-09, 17:49
Hi Everyone,
Going through a really rough time at the mo and need some help!!!! Over the past month i seem to be going down hill, i am constantly thinking i have got a dreadfull disease that is going to kill me! I am suffering from so many symptoms, mainly off balance and dizzy all the time, blurred vision, painfull legs and arms, butterfly feeling in my chest and keep going hot n cold!!! cant even walk far anymore!!!! Its just scaring the hell out of me! is there anyone else out there who is suffering the same? Been to a&e a few times now, always the same......bloods ok, bp ok, chest xray clear, even though i can hardly stand they still send me home!!! I just want this all to stop!!! can this really all be anxiety!!!!!!

01-03-09, 18:11

That's the thing, yes it can.

I know you have said you have been to A&E a few times but have you visited your doctor to discuss your concerns because I think a wee bit of therapy of sorts is what you might need instead. Even just a chat with your GP could be enough to make a difference.

01-03-09, 19:56
Dear Rob-ski,

I can feel your fear & frustration & despair. Have chat to your GP. Abd keep sharing on this site, really helps,


01-03-09, 20:22
Hi and thanks for your replies,
Been suffering from this for just over a year now! Tried counselling through my gp but the counselllor said i didnt have any issues that would be causing anxiety!!! Had numerous tests and now waiting to see a neurologist after they misdiagnosed me with M.E. So scared they are going to find a brain tumour or something like that! Im sure my Gp thinks im makibg it all up!!! WHy do i feel so ill?!!!!:weep:

01-03-09, 20:32
I`m going through the same thing. I`m convinced that theres something seriously wrong with me. Cancer, heart disease..you name it. I`ve been to the doctors time and time again and keep getting a clean bill of health. I know it`s my Anxiety making me have these thoughts but it`s all so real to me.
I can`t help you but at least i can let you know you`re not alone x

01-03-09, 20:54
Thanks for your reply Sky33,
Its good to know im not alone here. just wish i could get a handle on wots happening. My whole life has been turned upside down and even my daughter is suffering now as i cant do all the fun things i used 2 do with her!!!!

01-03-09, 21:05
I know what you mean. I don`t like taking my children to places that i`ve never been before. I`m ok with places that are familiar to me but the thought of going somewhere new fills me with dread.
I try and convince myself that it`s just the Anxiety talking and that nothing bads gonna happen, it works sometimes but other times it doesnt.
My lifes completely changed too. I`m a very laid back, happy go lucky person who doesn`t worry about anything and all of a sudden this has happened. It`s completely out of character and i`ve not suffered anything traumatic so i don`t know why it`s happened. I think thats the hardest part...i don`t understand where it`s come from. If i did than maybe i could sort things out in my head better but it came totally out of the blue.
I know the Anxiety itself cant hurt me, i try relaxation techniques, distraction etc etc but nothing seems to work. It`s nice to know that other people are in the same boat as me though, at least we know we`re not going mad lol.