View Full Version : Getting out of the anxiety rut?

01-03-09, 19:17
Hi all

Feel now that I am getting the better of my Lymphoma fears after seeing my GP and being given a clean bill of health. Yet, this still hasn't stopped the anxiety, I'm not really worrying about Lymphoma as much anymore but im just anxious, all the time! I can't switch it off, im just really really tense and it's messing up all my personal relationships. I've just went into depressive mode, which is really uncharacteristic of me.

I went out last night with some friends and had an awful night because my mind was pretty much fixed on all this health anxiety, it sounds silly but ive had this for so long I don't really know any other way to be! I've been worried and uptight for nearly a year now and I just can't seem to get my old life back.

Anyone any ideas?

Much love


i hate panicking
01-03-09, 19:34
Hi worryguy9,

Anxiety is a horrible thing to have, I suffer from panic attacks mostly oh and health anx as well but there was a point where I beat it but then came back:weep:.

When you have health anx your constantly thinking about it so it's really hard to unwind!!
Have you seen your doc at all?

Take care

01-03-09, 19:37
Hi panicking

Yep but I never told him about the anxiety because when I saw him last I was in the more "I have a serious illness" frame of mind so didn't think it was the anxiety.

I'm worried about telling him to be honest because I don't want to lose any credibility with him.