View Full Version : Holiday in Egypt

23-07-05, 02:39
I have just been listening to the news and the terrible deaths of so many people in Sharmel Sheikh in Egypt.
I am due to go there on 11th August and have tickets etc but obviously now I am petrified.
Flying is an issue in itself with me, not sure what to do. Just needed to post ,hope nobody minds, but I am alone at home , thanks guys Love Alexis,xx

23-07-05, 08:46
Hi Alexis,

All of these terrible happenings at the moment are indeed very worrying, and not just to us natural worriers.

Maybe the best thing to do would be to contact your travel agent to get their latest information about travelling to Egypt. I'm sure that you wont be the only passenger with concerns.

Sorry this may not have been very helpful.

Kate x

23-07-05, 09:31
Hi Kate, missing you in pub,of course its helpful, thanks for reply, nobody can say what to do I realise but its great to be able to write somewhere when you are worried and hopefully stop another fullblown panic coming.
thanks Kate, love Alexis,xx

23-07-05, 11:15
I'm going to Egypt on holiday on August. I'm well scared :(

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

23-07-05, 11:16
hi Alexis,

I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to these questions. It really is scary with all the things that are happening at the moment..as with London though, people need to just get on with their lives (says me who probably won't get on a tube again)..like Kate says, speak to the travel ageny and see what they say..I'm sure you'll have a terrific time and be fine when you're there..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

23-07-05, 11:27
Hi Jade, where and when are you going?
Sarah, we go this afternoon as they rung yesterday to say tickets were in, if we were going to London I would still go, but leaveing the country and watching it on TV is slightly different I feel. In London you can get train home if things go wrong, In Egypt it would take a bit more planning, Thanks guys Love Alexis,xxx

23-07-05, 11:40
I'm going to Taba on 20th August for a week.

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

23-07-05, 12:17
My advice is to not to make a hasty decision over this. I can really understand your concerns as I cancelled my trip to Boston which I was due to make at the end of September 2001.

Maybe by the middle of the week, you'll feel slightly more relaxed and things will be clearer.

I heard on the radio just now that they are offering refunds/change of destinations to those planning a trip there only as far as monday.

Also be aware, these bombings were aimed to take place on Egypt's National Holiday so hopefully it will be safe in two weeks time.

I do realise its awful thing to have to face, but at the end of the day I just want you to have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday somewhere - that's the bottom line in my view.

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

23-07-05, 13:02

We went to Taba in January and had a truly great time. Apart from the hotels there is nothing there though but there are 3 hotels in a row on the seafront.

The snorkelling is brilliant off the jetty of the Hyatt. Which hotel are you going to ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-07-05, 15:44

Personally I would change the holiday destination unless of course you really wanted to go to Egypt. I am sure the travel agent would offer to do that if you were really worried.

Just a thought anyway.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

23-07-05, 18:52
Hi Gang, I did want to go to Egypt really because its just that bit different I thought and it was supposed to be an early silver wedding celebration.
Still no nearer deciding what we are going to do but if we want to change we have to pay £15 per person for every change we make, eg, £15 resort £15 flight, airport, date etc, so it would probably be cheaper
to loose money and save again, we have to do this by Wednesday,Im not too happy with this really because if we do go and the damage is near us we will have to see it and think of lives lost etc, not much of a holiday.
I have tried to find out on the intenet how near our hotel is to the bombs and I think its about 2 miles, the travel agents dont know!!!!
I am away from Monday until Wednesday too so the decision is going to have to be made quick.
We have not checked insurance details yet but I wondered if we would get a different holiday with no extra cost if I got a Drs note., after all it will raise anyones anxiety levels never mind us sufferers ?
Thanks Alexis,xx

23-07-05, 18:59
Oh Alexis, I can so sympathise with you, it is such a hard decision to have to make.

Just go with whatever you and your family feel most comfortable with, there is no right or wrong decision in these circumstances.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Love Kate x

23-07-05, 20:19
I know and we dont know, luckily there is only hubby and I going but usually he knows and I would say you decide but this time we really dont know and absolutely nobody can tell us, aaaaaagggggggggh

24-07-05, 10:43

I guess it's all about weighing up the facts. It's unlikely to happen while you are there, it's unlikely that if it did happen again that you would be exactly at the place where it is happening. BUT, and this is the biggest thing, will the worry and uneasiness about it happening totally take away any enjoyment of the holiday? If you believe it will then you may be better to either change your holiday location or postpone the holiday until the dust has settled so to speak.

Don't know if this is at all helpful LOL just wanted to tell you that I really sympathise with you on the decision that you have to make.

Love Kate x

24-07-05, 11:07
Hi Kate of course you help, thank you ,anybody who is kind enough to read and reply helps, As the day goes on I am less worried about it because I know anything could happen anywhere, but I dont want to have to see it, The devastation and destruction which has already occured, I hope that doesnt sound selfish. Thanks will let you know what goes on, Love Alexis,xx

24-07-05, 11:22
Hi Alexis

Think Kates last post summed it up for me.

Have you come to any decision yet?

Love Piglet

24-07-05, 11:34
Hi Piglet, my hubby still in bed, (he works shifts as well as lazy) lol, so not discussed it yet but I was thinking Im sure we will be ok when a friend has just rung and said have you seen the site of the bombing.......... doubts multiplied again, thanks pig, love Alexis,

24-07-05, 12:53
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Jade,

We went to Taba in January and had a truly great time. Apart from the hotels there is nothing there though but there are 3 hotels in a row on the seafront.

The snorkelling is brilliant off the jetty of the Hyatt. Which hotel are you going to ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 23 July 2005 : 13:02:43</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Im going to the Sonesta Beach Resort Taba. |Have you been there before? What is it like in Taba?

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

24-07-05, 19:10
Hi Alexis

As piglet has said, Kates last post says it all and also as you say these days something like that can happen anywhere

lots of love


24-07-05, 19:15
Just a quick update, I think we are cancelling our holiday, will let you know more when definite but it worries me to see what has happened there and I could not rest in a plce full of such sadness. Will keep you updated, thanks to everybody who has replied and supported me, love Alexis,xxx

25-07-05, 11:59
Hiya alexis

My Dad wantsus to go still because he said, I quotw "doesn't want our holiday ruined by b******* "

Also if you do cancel it you will get a full refund I think, I saw it on a bbc site.

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

25-07-05, 13:41
Well Alexis your welcome to come and spend the 2 weeks in my cellar,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

kairen x

25-07-05, 14:56
Hi Alexis,
Wow, that is a difficult decision to have to make. You'd think that, in light of recent events, the travel agent would be willing to swap the destination with another one. Anyway, i have no useful advice except that you should go with your gut feeling and choose whichever option you feel most comfortable with.
Henri x

25-07-05, 22:07
Well theres not a lot else I can say really. Good luck to all of you, whatever decisions you make.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

27-07-05, 21:11
Thanks guys, Scooter if we were not down for sharmel Sheikh we would not have cancelled its only because I cannot bear the thought of seeing the place all ripped apart and it was our resort,
if i was you I would definitly still have gone,
We have cancelled, Out travel agents have not been helpful, we are going to Rhodes and it is costing us an extra £400, no refunds or allowances or anything.
With me needing everything in order we also had a hotel and car parking booked at Newcastle and now go from Manchester but we are hoping to transfer that.
We are insured so may be able to look at on lines of anxiety and depression, after all who in their right mind could go and see that , Love Alexis,xx

27-07-05, 22:11
Such a shame Alexis but I would have done the same thing in your position. Hope you have a lovely time in Rhodes!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

28-07-05, 15:34

That is a very good point, we are going to Taba which isn't too far away.

Rhodes is a fab place, I was there a few years ago and it is great, the temperature in Rhodes is like Egypt, it was 40 degrees then I was there (100 degress ferinhight)

I hope you have a great time there, dont forget to send us a post card, lol.

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

28-07-05, 16:19
Hi Alexis

Just caught up with your posts, I can't really add to the advice you have already been given, but you have a lovely time in Rhodes. We were there 5 years ago and it was wonderful, if you have the chance and are not too far away you must visit Rhodes town it is truly gorgeous.

Take care

Elaine x

28-07-05, 16:37
Thanks you 2, yes lainey its strange because somebody said that to me yesterday about Rhodes old town, we are going to Kiatori I think its called, it looks wonderful.
Jade If I sent a postcard to nomorepanic forum ,co looney lane, nicsbridge, do you think it would arrive, I would gladly send one if so,lol, love Alexis,x

28-07-05, 20:23
Lol yeah, probably take a while.

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

07-08-05, 10:07
Hi Gang. just to give an update, we are definitly going to Rhodes on Tuedsday, all the extras are paid and sorted but now there are only two worries,

a)will the tickets arrive on Monday because we havent got them yet,

b) will I get on the plane?

O I hope the answer to both is yes, if it is then after Tuesday I will see you in 2 weeks so be good, and carry on with your support to each other, Love Alexis,xxxxxxxx

07-08-05, 10:20
Hope it all works out Alexis - have a great holiday!!!!!We'll miss you!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

07-08-05, 13:18
OOOOOOo thats nice Sarah, thankyou, Love Alexis,xx

07-08-05, 16:30
Hi Alexis

Ahh, a happy outcome to the holiday disapointment.

Like Sarah says we'll miss you (haven't caught you in chat recently - we been there at different times lol).

Have a super holiday mate - look forward to you posting about it on your return.

Love Pig

(you look so lovely in your photo all pink and furry - lol).

07-08-05, 17:29
I havent been in piglet, well about twice in last two months, hey I saw your photo too and I dont mean to be rude but for some reason I thought you were older, maybe because your so wise eh? I got a surprise, yes my pig is gorgous isnt he,of course he wasent drinking the stella, he was sending it to Nicola, lol, Thanks Piglet, catch you sometime, love Alexis,xx

07-08-05, 19:46
Hi Alexis

Great outcome after all the saga.

Have a fantastic time. You really deserve it.

I know I have only spoke to you a couple of times in chat, but you seem a warm, careing and extremely funny person. It is an honour to know you. Oh and your inserts into the "add a sentence make a story " section really bring a smile to my face.

Thankyou Alexis



07-08-05, 20:10
Yeah Scrumpy, leave my pig alone while Im gone or you will have Nic to answer to, lol, thank you for your complements mmaybe one of these who have met me will say different, lol,i am more than happy if I make one person a day smile, Love alexis,xxxx

08-08-05, 11:18
Have a fantastic holiday Alexis,
Love LJ

08-08-05, 11:41

All the best for the holiday and I hope it goes well for you.

Have a fab time ok and try to enjoy it the best you can.

See you in 2 weeks!



"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-08-05, 12:23
Have a fab time hun!

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

08-08-05, 15:48
Have a lovely time. I haven't been there for many years but had a very hedonistic holiday there once - too much moonlight and retzina and a young adonis on a motorbike.

It was a long time ago .....


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-08-05, 20:21
O thanks you guys, not had time to think about it today, Ive just got in as I met Kairen and had a super day, so she kindly took my mind off it,but im now drastically trying to pack, mm Meg, perhaps you could pm me all the detail;s, it sounds fun I could try and look him up for you:D
see you all in 2 weeks(hopefully) Love Alexis,xx

08-08-05, 21:24
Thanks for a lovley day Alexis, just glad i didnt put my jeans on what a lovley hot day lol. kids really enjoyed meeting you again shame you couldnt take them on holiday with you,
have a great holiday and hopefuly get some sleep,
you know I'll be there textin away with my 900 texts lol

P.S when meg tells you the story of her adonis send it to me for a read :D:D:D

kairen x

09-08-05, 01:39
hi Kairen surely I have to get some sleep. cannot go much longer without lol,putting it politely my eyes are like wee wee holes in snow, so I was told,lol, hey you know me, i would take your kids, I would take the whole neighbourhoods lol, I really enjoyed the day and it took my mind off tomorrow.Thanks Kairen, I just wish youd had your jeans on lol, with my 1000 texts I could be replying, hey what about that guy having same hair as you, that was spooky,how much do you reckon you will give me for Megs story, lol, joking meg, we are not like that, Love Alexis,xxx

11-08-05, 11:39
I got a text from Alexis at 4.30 am today and she has arrived safely and was off for some sleep!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"