View Full Version : cancer fear

01-03-09, 19:46
I have this fear at the moment of ovarian cancer and am convinced i have it.
I've been getting a period like pain in my lower back and also have a lot of wind ........not the burping kind:blush: and also a heavy achey feeling down below, i had a recent smear which was normal but then that wouldn't show up ovarian, i also found that my gland behind my left ear tonight is really raised so of course my mind is in overdrive .....if it's not ovarian then i'm convinced its something else as i've also been having night sweats ( thinking lymphoma) where i'm having to change my top a few times plus ive been really tired........does anyone else have any symptoms like these , my husbands freaking out at me so he's no support at the moment at all :weep:

01-03-09, 19:55

ok let me try put your mind at rest :hugs:

i have had a fear of this cancer to so many times,and when i go to the doc,s he always says ok 1 in to young to have it (ppl who are young can get it as any other cancer but he has never seen it in someone my age im 31) 2 .it does not give a symptom of pain, that's why so many ladies have it and don't know about it .
as for the glands i get this all the time i get one under my jaw that come,s up at times but my doc said it could be a bug or fighting a infection.

please try not to worry hun

it is more likely to be ibs or your monthly ect

jodie xxxxx

02-03-09, 10:18
I worry constantly about bowel, ovarian and also liver cancer. Like you I get cramp like pains, they aren't very bad pains, but at night if I have managed to get to sleep this will wake me up and I will worry myself sick about it all.

As I am now 54 it's become a really valid worry for me as I am now in the age group that is most affected by things like that. I've never had any investigations into any of these things as I always hold back when it comes to asking for a referral as I have agoraphobia and the thought of going to the hospital for a scan or something is even scarier.

02-03-09, 11:37
Yep , the pain that i get, i dont get it constantly i mean if it was ovarian it wouldnt go away would it, plus this morning my backs had period like niggles again but im not due for about another 14 days, i do have arthritis in my lower spine so i dont know if that could be the cause of pain as well ,but its just the fear thats crippling me plus like you it keeps me awake with worry, my mum had bowel cancer and died recently so i guess this has heightened my HA at the moment. I'm thinking of seeing my GP is there a blood test you can get that would indicate anything like ovarian , i just want some piece of mind, i hate worrying all the time x

02-03-09, 21:58
When I worried about this, I went to the docs and explained why I was worried. He was very reassuring and did an internal exam (not great, but bearable!). He also referred me for an internal ultrasound, where they put the probe into your vagina. Sounds awful, but actually it was fine - not claustrophobic in the slightest and actually rather fascinating. So I'd definitely advise asking your doc if you're worried - I was very reassured after I had seen my own normal ovaries on a screen!

02-03-09, 21:59
Oh yes, and none of the above was painful in the slightest.

02-03-09, 22:15
Kitty Kat: I am having these very symptoms too along with Hip Pain, however I had a scan in December ( i was pregnant but it was ectopic) and they seen my ovaries then so I am presuming if anything was wrong they would have told me

Maybe your pain is IBS related oor your tummy is off?

I am posting something similar as I seem to have been suffering this weekend

03-03-09, 11:01
I'm thinking of seeing my GP is there a blood test you can get that would indicate anything like ovarian , i just want some piece of mind, i hate worrying all the time x

I think having an ultrasound would be far more accurate than having that blood test. Apparently the CA-125 blood test is not as accurate as most people think. Here is a link someone sent me today about it, makes interesting reading.


03-03-09, 11:15
Hi Kittycat
Just for your own peace of mind, I would go and see your gp. If you are worrying about the symptoms then go and get some medical advice. I have kidney problems and I do know that a water infection or kidney infection can cause backache, sweats, and lower tummy pain. Maybe it is due to a back problem? It could be due to anything and it may be nothing but I would go and get it checked just for your own peace of mind. I am terrible with getting anxious over every health thing there is and at the moment have a little lump on back of my leg which I spent loads of time crying and whittling over thinking it is cancer! My partner thinks its a spot lol and that I am over reacting but I am getting it checked out all the same.