View Full Version : ever worry that you may have had a stroke?

01-03-09, 19:58
Do any of you ever wonder if you've suffered a stroke? that's became my new fear. I always have this spacey, weird feeling and I know it's a common anxiety symptom but I haven't had a panic attack in a while. I often find myself wanting to scream out for no reason, like uncontrollable. I am on zoloft and seeing a therapist once a week. My anxiety is a lot better but the spacey, weird and uncontrollable feeling of wanting to scream out is weird(I dont actually scream out, I just find myself wanting to, like someone with turrets syndrome would) I always feel like I'm going to fall over and have ZERO energy! I could sleep 24/7 and often sleep at least 12-14 hours a day because I'm so exhausted. Sometimes when someone talks to me I just kinda stare and don't really want to reply. My emotions have became so out there. Somedays I am completely emotionless, others I'm crying, I don't have days were I'm happy. I worry that something is really wrong with my head and it's not just anxiety.

01-03-09, 21:09
I thought id had a stroke last year. I was in A&E due to a panic attack and was leaning on my arm for some time. When they went to put the finger gripper on me to take my pulse, my fingers wouldnt move. I didnt say anything, i was too scared. When i got home, i couldnt lift my hand to my mouth. I went to my doctors the next day, convinced my panic attack had made me have a stroke, but he just said it was because i had rested on my arm for so long. Strange how it was numb for days though:shrug:

02-03-09, 16:58
I used to do this, but then my father in law had a stroke recently and now I know that what I thought was a stroke was nothing but anxiety and a stroke is totally different to what I thought. Still freaks me out though.!

02-03-09, 18:41
If you had a stroke you'd definately know about it, my mum had a mini one and said that was really scary, anxiety can mimic so many symptoms and illnesses, i think that's what scares us all so much......