View Full Version : My confidence is officially at an all time low =(

i hate panicking
01-03-09, 20:18
Hi Again,

I have posted previously about this subject,but it's now really getting to me even more so today my confidence is at an all time low,I just can't stand the way I look....I've been suffering from panic attacks recently as I did have them under control but now they have come back but with this added bit on top.

Really don't know what's going on.:shrug:

p.s I know this post sounds pathetic...and I feel bad for posting it as I know alot of people have worser things than this:blush:

01-03-09, 20:35
When we feel a certain way it affects how we think about ourselves and I know your not alone in feeling this way.
We can be told a zillion times we look good but its our own perception that counts. Low self-esteem is part of the issue and maybe just now you have low self-esteem.

Accept how you feel as just part of your anxiety and believe that it will pass but also seek reassurance from your partner on this.

01-03-09, 20:49
Hi there
I know how you feel and it seems as if it will never pass ,but it does, the important thing is to identify whats causing them (Panics) as its usually some type of fear,

i hate panicking
01-03-09, 22:15

Thanks for the replies I'm probably making a bigger issue out of it than it really is....I'll just have to try and snap out of it :blush:.

Purplehaze I think you are probably right it is a case of low self-esteem I'm not gonna let it get the better of me:)

Thank you x