View Full Version : head/eye pain, nausea..don't think it's all anxiety...

01-03-09, 21:08
hi all,
last week started with sinus pain so i thought i was getting another infection (had one a couple of months ago) but then it turned into what i think was a migraine. i had a migraine 3 weeks ago which lasted 3 weeks on my left side, and this thing again was on the left. the pain seemed to keep moving but it was in my temple, behind my ear, my tonsil i think, sore neck on that side and a sore area on top of my head. i occasionally also got shooting pains which ive had before up the back of my head. at first i tried to put it down to tension but ive felt sick for 7 days now too and have a really painful left eye - it's like in the socket and i felt it a bit today on the right but its almost always on the left. doubt its eye strain as i had an eye test just last week in which she looked into my eyes with a microscope and everything and apparently all was clear but ive always had bad eyesight. i'm so worried as for the last few months since ive had anxiety i've also sometimes got weakness down the whole right side of my body but its not constant, and i also get a tingle on the left of my tongue randomly sometimes. in the past ive tried to put it all down to anxiety but now i just think too much is going on for it to be that. had blood tests at the end of december and all was clear. you know what it's like - can't help but think the worst....i'm 18 and its really stopping me doing a lot! please help me someone :(

01-03-09, 22:01
First impressions Jade I'd have said it was a head cold (bacterial infection throughout the sinuses) ye have but if it been going on for sometime ye should really explain it all to yer doc.

I suffer pain constantly 24/7, quite badly, and I've had many a head cold, some even due to virus infections, each time I tried everything I could to help eventually I had to overcome my fear of people and went to see my doctor, I refused to take no for an answer till she discovered what was wrong, I suggest ye do the same, it's the only way ye'll get help & reassurance for yourself.

Hope this helps, take care.

01-03-09, 22:09
thank you, i'm calling the doctors tomorrow morning to book an appointment but i really worry that it could be something much worse with my head/brain. has anyone heard of myofascial trigger points in the face and neck? ive been reading up on it and it sounds like mine are being aggravated but i guess with the internet everyone can relate to everything lol

01-03-09, 22:13
Aaaw sorry you are not feeling good at the moment... Your symptoms sound very random, which is a good thing, because more than likely, they are caused by anxiety. You have had tests and things have come back fine and you have to trust that. I know from experience that that is hard to do, especially when you feel symptoms, or what you believe are symptoms. I have noticed when I concentrate on symptoms, they get worse and then I cannot ignore them and then I get convinced that something is wrong. We have to break that cycle hun. I am sure you are ok. Please try not to focus on it. Someone once told me to delay my worrying... tell myself that I will worry about it in a week or whatever. It helps :) Because it breaks the cycle. I hope you feel better hun... We are here for you.


01-03-09, 22:22
thanks for your support lola, its just really weird and i worry because i feel like ive had every symptom of everything ever! like sometimes i get a numb right side of my face too but thats only at random times too..and these headaches on the left are like seriously painful but i find it really weird that my left tonsil also hurts...the reason why i mentioned about myofascial trigger points is a lot to do with the area between my neck and base of my head - i always feel like i need to massage it and sometimes i get this weird ache down my arms. maybe its some sort of infection but im making myself feel worse by worrying? doesnt explain why ive suddenly started getting these new head pains/migraines though :( i dont normally suffer with headaches

01-03-09, 22:35
Stress can cause headaches hun... stop looking on the internet! It is the worst and always scares me to bits!!! Force yourself to do something else to keep yourself busy...

01-03-09, 22:44
Hey, just thought id say im feeling exactly the same, except without the sickness, its driving me MAD, im seeing the doctor tomorrow, im terrified:S

Have you tried syndol? I think thats what its called anyway? I found that to be pretty effective with my headache, its a bit more expensive than your average pain killer, and did make me a little sleepy, but its the only thing that like vaguley touched it, might be worth a go?:)

01-03-09, 23:04
It's probably anxiety and the stress in your head muscles. I have eye pain too I think it's from the spacey lightheaded feeling and trying to focus I've have had for a week. It's really scaring me too. But they are right, stop looking on the internet for symptoms. It makes eveything worse. My head hurts too off and on and my sinuses are stuffy, my whole head feels stuffy.
I hope you feel better soon.

01-03-09, 23:06
i dont care about the cost, the pain is driving me mental! i always say if i had no pain, i would have no health anxiety! im baffled as to what the nausea is, i havent physically thrown up but i do feel really nauseas but i think it keeps coming and going. what worries me is that the pain is on one side only. i wear contacts and i wear them all the time apart from night time when i wear my glasses from about 11 til i sleep. however ive never had any problems with it apart from ive realised my eyes keep drying up sometimes but the optician investigated this last week and said it's probably because i wear them for quite a long time instead of alternating with glasses and i have only just got a stronger prescription of contacts so maybe this headache started when i started wearing them? my left eye is my worse one anyway so maybe that would explain it. but with all the symptoms ive experienced in the last few months i cant help but to think the worst and by that i think you know what i mean (the C word) but im trying to tell myself if there was like a tumor behind my eye she would have seen it under the microscope. i did have a car accident in july and my heavy head and stuff began about a month later which freaked me out but i was diagnosed with sinusitis because i told the doctor thats what i thought it was. now im thinking is it possible that i slipped a disc or trapped a nerve or something because i did have whiplash and i crashed head on into a tree but then again would my tingles and things have come on a couple months after that? this is completely going off the subject of my eye pain and stuff i know and sorry to ramble but i need answers :(

02-03-09, 08:00
hi all,
last week started with sinus pain so i thought i was getting another infection (had one a couple of months ago) but then it turned into what i think was a migraine. i had a migraine 3 weeks ago which lasted 3 weeks on my left side, and this thing again was on the left. the pain seemed to keep moving but it was in my temple, behind my ear, my tonsil i think, sore neck on that side and a sore area on top of my head. i occasionally also got shooting pains which ive had before up the back of my head. at first i tried to put it down to tension but ive felt sick for 7 days now too and have a really painful left eye - it's like in the socket and i felt it a bit today on the right but its almost always on the left. doubt its eye strain as i had an eye test just last week in which she looked into my eyes with a microscope and everything and apparently all was clear but ive always had bad eyesight. i'm so worried as for the last few months since ive had anxiety i've also sometimes got weakness down the whole right side of my body but its not constant, and i also get a tingle on the left of my tongue randomly sometimes. in the past ive tried to put it all down to anxiety but now i just think too much is going on for it to be that. had blood tests at the end of december and all was clear. you know what it's like - can't help but think the worst....i'm 18 and its really stopping me doing a lot! please help me someone :(

Do you have trigeminal neuralgia?

02-03-09, 13:19
i'm not sure...what's that? is it bad? ive read a bit on it but not sure, aren't i really young to have that? :(
i'm going to the doctor on thursday and ive got a numb face on the right at the moment plus weird sensations in my head/scalp. headache is better as is eye pain but still there. my right arm too feels a bit weird but i think it may be a neck/back problem because my neck hurts sometimes when i move it certain ways and i can touch my chin to my chest but it sort of burns down my spine. im really scared.
trixie you normally reply with things like 'no you don't have a brain tumor' but you haven't said that to me :( but thanks for the reply i don't mean to be ungrateful x

02-03-09, 13:57
Trigeminal neuralgia is agony I had it a few years ago and it was a nightmare. The pain was so bad on the left side of my face I couldn't even wear my reading glasses.

No you don't have a brain tumour but sounds like something nerve related.

02-03-09, 15:48
ahh trixie i just feel as though ive got soo many symptoms, mine has recently been pain in the face but for the last few months it has been whole body pains like mainly pain down the side of my arm and leg, its usually on the outside and makes my little finger/toe hurt. i thought at first it may be sciatica when it was just my right leg but now its everywhere and mainly i have problems on my right hand side which is weird since im actually left handed. sometimes i honestly feel like im having a stroke when my whole right side goes weak..its feels like my leg is going to give way when i walk and my right hand side of my face feels droopy although its really not. cant remember if ive mentioned this but i get a tingly tongue sometimes yet that is only on the left and all these things aren't constant - they come and go. nerve related as in trapped nerve, or something more serious do you think? i guess i'll see what the doctor says thursday but its frustrating since i can't figure out if this or the anxiety came first!!

02-03-09, 16:01
wow, I found someone who I can relate! I have a tingly tongue sometimes, tingly in my left cheek under the eye, pain down left arm into elbow...sometimes into my hand and then my hand pulsates, i get pain down my left leg into my foot sometimes, my head hurts and the more I move it the more it hurts but always sore on top, my eyes hurt and burn and feel sore, very lightheaded and dizzy from the time I get out of bed, then on and off all day, my heart races, but also the front part of my neck hurts too, feels like its swollen, along with my jaw on that side and sometimes some ear pain. Always shaky and tired. I have had blood work, ekg's, and the hospital gave me a catscan about a month ago, does anyone know if that would show abnormalty or is it better to have an MRI?

02-03-09, 16:17
i don't know but does anyone think i should ask for scans? or could this simply be a trapped nerve or something? what confuses me is that i mostly have pain, weakness and numbness down my right side when i get it but in the last week my head and face and eye on the left side have hurt - this scares me because i realise that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body but i think it's likely that something would've shown up in my recent eye test if there was like a tumour. i always have a sore neck and feel like i want to rub it and because my head hurts in the areas when i move my neck i'd like to think it's all just tension but i'm just not sure it's that simple :(