View Full Version : Ears being strange - ringing- brain tumour?

02-03-09, 01:17
First time i've been able to use this forum for health anxieties =).

I had what i think was a headcold a couple of weeks ago and it messed up my ears for a bit. They've been better but i swear i keep hearing light ringing or they just randomly go a bit 'dull' - similar to how they pop on a plane.
Naturally i worry i have a brain tumour =(
I was just wondering if anyone else has had this? Or if you think it's just left over from the cold / me being more aware of hearing now.

GAH it's so annoying! It gets me more stressed so humming in ears and heart beats faster- makes it uncomfortable to sleep =(

Thankyouuuuu for listening =) xxx

02-03-09, 01:58
Hello Hunnie

Ive got exactly the same at the moment, 1 ear feels a bit numb too!!!!!!

I am sure its just from a cold, ive had one too. The best thing to try is Olbas oil...its amazing at clearing nose, ears etc.
They make a nasal inhalater just like vicks now, so maybe give that a go.

Good Luck Babe
Tracie xx

02-03-09, 03:12
I have had tinnitus for nearly a year now, everyday ringing in my ears, somedays its so loud that it drown out tv noise!

I never thought that it could be associated with a BT.

02-03-09, 12:20
I have the ringing too at the moment, ive had recurrent ear infections for a few months and a cold and its left me with the ringing too :mad:

02-03-09, 22:56
Thankyou for the responses! =)
It's nice not being alone with the annoying ringing!

I think i'll go hunt the medical aisle incase i do have a little ear infection. Don't know why i associate ear ringing with a brain tumour but hopefully that will go away with time!

02-03-09, 23:09
Is it there constantly?
It can be caused by loads of things, dont worry :) I had a cold lately aswel as my ear infections and the doctor told me you can get a build up of catarrh behind your eardrums after colds and flu. Or it could be wax or like you said a little infection :) I no how annoying it is though, its driving me insane. I'm seeing an ENT next week about mine, eeeek!