View Full Version : Roaccutane...so scared to start it

02-03-09, 01:44
Hello everyone
Havent been on here for a while, spent a bit of time in hospital. I get acne ,even though im 42 and sometimes i have to go in hospital cos the boils need IV antibiotics.
However my new Derm has recommended roaccutane, i had the bloods done to see if im ok for it, and i should have started them last week. Im just so scared of the side effects!!!!! I will need to be monitered each month while im on them, for:liver probs, depression etc and have bloods done.
has anyone ever had this drug? Im also scared it will make my HA and Panic worsen.
Thanks so much for reading.
luv Tracie xx

02-03-09, 12:50
Ok now im really not sure if i should start this meds today or not.

02-03-09, 14:57
Hi Tracie

My son took this a few years ago as he had terrible acne. It cleared it up in no time and it never came back and he suffered no side effects except a bit of peeling skin. I know we're not all the same but I hope this helps you make a decision, the side effects stated on all drugs seem to be a mile long don't they and I'm always terrified too so I know how you feel. At least if you know it's the drugs you know it will go away if you stop them. Good luck with it!

Love Fran

02-03-09, 15:15
My niece has had this drug and as far as I know has had few or no side effects and it has improved the condition.

02-03-09, 20:14
Im quite similar to you, except im a teenager and have been considering this drug for acne scars, but im also FARR to worried abou the side effects..

My best friend has gone on it recently though, and the only problems she has had have been the dry skin, lips and feeling a little achy..even so..im still to worried..

Just got to weigh up how much your skin problems bother you, as roacc does seem to improve the condition in most peoples cases:)

maybe give it a go? you can always come off it:)

03-03-09, 00:46
Do not take any form of Accutane/RoAccutane. My brother killed himself in April while taking it. Having clear skin is not worth the risk!!!!

01-02-10, 18:48
I'm just wondering if you went ahead with the medication? I took roaccutane 2.5 years ago for 8 months. They did a mind test during every visit to the hospital and I had a marked drop in mood. Since then i've been suffering anxiety, just wondering if my mood is linked with some long term effect of the drug. I realise loads of people will take this and be fine but jsut thought i'd ask
I hope youre skin has cleared up for you whatever action you've taken. I know how hard it can be
kind regards,

02-02-10, 01:09
Hi Laurel
Yes I did go ahead with Roaccutane, skinwise its the best thing ive ever done, but OH BOY it was tough!!! My derm believed in a high dose over a short time, so i had a dose big enough to kill a bull!!!! It sent my chl and ldl levels sky high ( which worried the docs) and after just 4 weeks on it, my panic attacks, mood and health anxiety were rocketing.
I was walking like a 90 yr old, my body ached so bad it made me cry. Suppose , we should remember its a chemo drug that just happens to work on skin.
I finished the course in July 09, to be honest im back to square 1 with panic, im still on anti depressants but every day i get anxiety bouts, Its left me with a dizziness, I feel like the ground moves!!! Think i also have ibs now, never had it before.
Im sure the long term side effects are very long term indeed, i still ache, not as bad, but i cant still feel it on odd days.
How long since you had this drug?
Chat soon Tracie xx

02-02-10, 12:15
I took it when I was a teenager for acne, and I wouldn't recommend it.

Side effects at the time were pretty bad skin-wise. It cleared up my acne but dried up my skin and caused my lips to peel like mad. I was teased for this more than the acne itself.

I didn't really get any mood problems except for feeling better once the acne had gone.

But 12 years later and I still believe I'm suffering side effects from the drug. Dry lips every night, horrendous dry mouth, dry skin and eczema on eyelids.

If you do take it I would recommend a very low dose.

Veronica H
02-02-10, 12:39
This is a very controversial drug. My son developed severe acne quite early at 13. He was given course after course of antibiotics with little or no effect. Eventually we took him to a consultant who recommended Roaccutane. She gave us fact sheets on the drug and I spent over 10hrs in total researching everything I could find about it as I felt that the possible side effects were a major thing for one so young to deal with especially staying out of the sun for the 3 months, constant blood tests for the effect on the liver. At the time my son would have taken anything just to fit in.
I asked the consultant if she would give this drug to her own son at that age and she hesitated. She said that because there are documented risks then she felt that he needed to be able to make an informed decision himself. We decided to wait. My GP suggested trying the same drug in topical form 'Differin' which was applied once each day. His acne on his face cleared up really quickly and I am glad now that we chose this course. On the plus side the consultant said that she had treated over 100 patients with it and the only reported side effects were peeling dry skin with the exception of one lady who suffered very severe depression. The Differin cream is well worth a try first.


05-02-10, 22:53
Hi there. I took roaccutane when i was 15. I'm 34 now. It was the best thing i ever did!! My acne cleared up completley and my self confidence shot through the roof!! I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks now, however i feel this has nothing to do with roaccutane as i have a long line of family history with anxiety/ depression and, most importantly, i recognise why i get the anxiety.. I'm trying to fix it!! Roaccutane was great for me, but perhaps it will not suit everyone. Hope this has helped x

05-02-10, 22:57
I should mention. I suffered no physical problems will taking the drug what so ever. Feel sorry for those who have :(.....20 yrs later my acne is back, but not as bad, am taking tetralysal which fixes it no probs :) x