View Full Version : Im a new member, I wasnt sure if my story would be read on some forum so here it is

02-03-09, 02:41
I am 15 years old and I had a concussion while playing hockey about a year ago. I didn't lose conciousness but it was my second concussion. After the accident I noticed I wasn't as good at sports and i felt uncoordinated. At the time I had no idea about post concussion syndrome and I blamed it on my body growing and not being used to my body because I have grew. I also started smoking weed more often, being bummed out about my athletic ability. Then mentally things started to change. I had problems concentrating, short term memory loss, anxiety,depression, my ears feel like theyre clogged, I'm really sensitive to noise, my vision is sensitive to lights and is a bit blurry, thoughts are disconnected, headaches, trouble sleeping, feeling tired all the time and the list goes on. My marks dropped from about an 80 average to 65. I thought I had permantly damaged by brain from smoking weed and i felt even more depressed and started having terrible anxiety and i also started to go a bit insane. I didn't tell ONE person what was going on and I kept all this bottled up. I couldnt communicate well or enjoy anyones company because of my depression, even my family or close friends. Then i could see my family and friends looking sort of depressed to like it rubbed off on them(which made me feel awful). I used to very out going, good looking and funny guy before all of this (it also made it hard to flirt with girls which crushed my confidence). Now it's a year later and I still suffer from these symptons but I stopped smoking weed thinking it was the cause of all this but my symptons didnt go away (although it did help some what) and just the other day I was reading up on concussions on wikipedia and read about post concussion syndrome. My symptons were exactly the same and I read that physically it kicks in first and mentally after then eventually you'll get out of it physically, then mentally it will last longer but should stop no longer then a year. I also readthat not being educated about post concussion syndrome and thinking your brain is permantly damaged causes anxiety and makes symptons alot worse. Reading that was a relief and Im starting to get better physically and im getting coordinated again. I still suffer the mental symptons and I hope they go away because i also read some people have them for life. I pray that's not me.

Thank you for reading it feels good to get all of that off my chest. (p.s i still havent told my parents about my condition they just think smoking weed has killed my grades, and recently my brother who is 19 has gone depressed.)

Veronica H
02-03-09, 08:19
:welcome: Allum. You naturally became very anxious because of your experiences and this sensitised your nerves. your nerves stay sensitised because of the fear of how you are feeling which produces adrenaline which then resensitises your nerves and so the cycle continues. This is therefore an illness of how we think. You have to trust your body to heal itself now, and it will. It was a good idea to give up the weed, as this is one less thing to worry about. I am glad that you have found this site as you will find comfort and support here. I think you should consider opening up to your family about how you are feeling, as anxiety makes you see the world negatively and I think you will be surprised to find that they are only too willing to support you.:bighug1: If you cannot face this yet,there is a great chat room here and a great deal of useful advise on the site too.


02-03-09, 10:00
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, you'll get a lot of good advice here and hopefully we can help you out, there is a great chat room which can really help as well if you need to relax or just vent a bit, take care xx

02-03-09, 19:18
Hi Allum,

:welcome: to NMP you will find this site a great source of advice and support and you will make some good friends here to help you along your journey to recovery.


Gemma T
02-03-09, 20:39
:welcome:Hey sweetheart. You will find all the support you need on here. Feel free to private message me if you need to talk. Gemma x x x x

02-03-09, 23:07
Thank you everyone, i told my mom this mourning in the car and it felt good. Im seeing a doctor tommorow, I probably wouldnt have told her if it wasnt for this site letting me say how I have been feeling for the last year but I am worried my condition wont be let me play in the playoffs or football in the spring. Thanks again, Peace

02-03-09, 23:21
:welcome: Hi Allum.
Im really pleased to read youve told your mum, it will be a relief for you and a weight off your shoulders. Im sure things will look up now and i wish you luck when you see your doctor.
There will always be someone here who can help and support you hun when you need it.
Take care

Veronica H
03-03-09, 08:37
:bighug1: This is great news Allum. Don't worry about the playoffs yet. You will be amazed how much better you will feel now that you have reconnected with everyone and that you can put this into perspective. Things will get better.


03-03-09, 20:59
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

04-03-09, 10:57
Hi Allum, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

06-03-09, 09:00
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx