View Full Version : Stupid Brain Tumor Fears - Help Me Reason!

02-03-09, 03:42
So being the health anxious person I am, I have been dealing with fears of a brain tumor for about the last 2 months or so and no matter what other people seem to say I can't seem to shake it. I've seen 2 doctors 1 optometrist and 1 ophthalmologist and had 1 clean blood test yet I still seem to be convinced that this is my real problem. I've read pretty much every brain tumor thread in on this website but I still felt like I needed to make a thread just to get my thoughts out there. Maybe it will make me feel better. My symptoms are...

- Dull Headache
- Shooting head pain
- Clumsiness
- Dizziness
- Lack of Focus
- Full plugged ears that pop and crack when I swallow
- Extreme lack of energy
- Forgetting simple words (today I couldn't remember the word challenge...)
- Feeling disconnected from everything around me
- Spot in vision in my left eye
- Light sensitivity
- Crazy vivid dreams that wake me up in the middle of the night
- Had my very first nosebleed ever today which I have never had in 21 years of my life... That is what has kindled my fears even more...

I read the thread about anxiety symptoms but I just don't know... it's been going on for two months now. I guess I am just trying to reason with myself and get confirmation that YES, 2 different doctors, 2 eye specialists, a urine test and a blood test would have found SOMETHING that would concern them about a possible brain tumor if I had one.

02-03-09, 03:55
I have all those same symtoms and then some more on top....AND...mine have been going on for a lot longer than 2 months. I was ordered to have an MRI, but was too scared to go ahead with it.

I would say that if something was wrong the 2 doctors, 2 eye specialists and 2 different tests would have found something.

Think of it this way....if something is wrong, then imaging all that suing you could do!!!!!!!! I'm pretty darn positive there isn't anything serious and you're just experiencing anxiety symptoms like most of us :)


02-03-09, 06:39
You do not have a brain tumour, if they thought there was the slightest chance they would have sent you for a MRI and it would have shown up.

As I have said before there are nearly 100 different types and although a BT is not something you would want they are not all a death sentence. I know someone who had one removed...................22 years ago and she is fine.

A lady in the US called Liz Holzemer had a tumour the size of an orange in her head she had it removed and here she is now


02-03-09, 07:26
n3kim look at my thread in health anxiety

02-03-09, 17:24
Thanks a lot for all of your replies. Sorry for being redundant and making yet ANOTHER brain tumor thread when there are a lot of other ones but I just needed to get my thoughts out there to hopefully make me feel better.

02-03-09, 18:00
Thanks a lot for all of your replies. Sorry for being redundant and making yet ANOTHER brain tumor thread when there are a lot of other ones but I just needed to get my thoughts out there to hopefully make me feel better.

No need to apologise.:flowers:

03-03-09, 19:32
So now I am off to a neurologist apparently. What can I expect when I go in?

04-03-09, 03:49
Sorry for posting yet again but I just started getting so scared for no reason and I started crying. Nothing provoked it at all and now I have no idea what I should do. This is the worst I have ever felt and I just want all of these thoughts and feelings to go away...

04-03-09, 06:36
So now I am off to a neurologist apparently. What can I expect when I go in?

When are you going?

04-03-09, 07:00
I'm waiting for them to call me to make an appointment. My doctor said they should call very soon.

angel 2
04-03-09, 07:06
Hi n3KIM
I am awaiting neurologist appointment too, only because I demanded it from my GP. I have the same fears as you niggling away.I felt I have too many physical feelings with all the sensations in my head and the painful tingling down my arms . I also had those drops in my eyes last week that open your pupils so they can see behind at the retina (Fine) Even if it puts our minds at rest it will have been worth it.

04-03-09, 13:37
Going to the neurologist isn`t that big a deal it`s only like going to see a GP.
He will take your medical history,ask you what symptoms you are experiencing at the moment,if your on any medication and what it`s for.
He will test you on your reflexes and strength in your arms and legs,use a small torch and ask you to follow it with your eyes,check how you walk,talk etc and might ask you to repeat some words to check your memory.
Depending on what he sees he might send you for further test or he might just prescribe some medication.
I find it`s always better if you take in a list of your symptoms with you and any questions you might have thought of before your appointment,because believe me you will forget something you wanted to mention to him.

04-03-09, 13:57
i have all them symptoms plus a have a weird weak numb feeling in left leg and it twitches as well i feared brain tumor then brain anuerysn now its stroke i know how you feel when you have such a strong fear its awful my fear comes and goes depending how strong my symptoms are deep down i know its anxiety playing tricks on me but i know how hard it is to just to accept its anxiety right now im going through a bad time my symptoms have been going on since a week before christmas i have had tests mri and ct scans and nothing was picked up and im finding it hard to accept im fine anxiety is a horrible thing i hope you feel better soon your certainly not on your own with this xx

10-03-09, 04:07
I had a full neurological test and a CT scan today and everything was normal. I've heard everybody say how MRI is better than CT scans and such, but I should just be content with the fact that the CT scan is clear if the doctor is too right? :)

10-03-09, 05:59
You ladies/gentlemen have more symptoms than me and I do have a brain tumour.:D