View Full Version : Just need an ear or two please..

02-03-09, 07:45
I'm a 30 something hypochondriac or (HA) I guess. It started with my first panic attack at 15 over a palpitation while sitting in a class in High School. The doc said at the time that I have a slight ventricular fib but nothing major.

Since then it has just been a roller-coaster ride of anxiety. Fear of going crazy, fear of brain tumors, strokes, cancer, MS, a million crazy genetic diseases I only dreamed up on the worst cases found in Google.

I'm too afraid to take multi-vitamins, too scared of doctors for a checkup, and not sure what to do.

For days now I've been tired, have been having slight chest aches in the right side of my chest (close to the nipple) not when exerting, no radiating pain, no realy heart symptoms - but still a nagging fear that i'm going to drop dead.

When I get anxious my heart rate increases, i pant, i give myself palpitations which only increase the fear, my stomach bloats, i check my pulse on my neck with my fingers constantly, i feel trapped, lost, alone - horrid.

How can we go on like this? How is it possible that we all are on this board and in such a messy state? Is there really no cure? As it is I pop half a xanax and if that doesn't work i pop another half and am out for the rest of the day - but this is NO quality of life..

How do HA start? What are the triggers? What are the coping mechanisms? Is there any way to beat this?