View Full Version : Am I slipping backwards!!!!!!!!!

23-07-05, 13:37
Hi everyone

It has been a long time since i have posted. I have been feeling so much better :) and even though I have had the odd small incident, I felt I was going in the right direction and really could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've been on holiday abroad etc.

However,for the past week or so I have been getting really light headed again and feeling stressed and a little uptight but I cannot work out why! I have no really pressure in my life at the moment. I really have nothing to worry about. However, because I have been feeling a little off I have slipped back a bit into my old habits of checking my pulse etc. I'm now worrid AGAIN [}:)] about the following things:

1. I feel dizzy and spaced out for no rreason, why,..... it is my heart, do I have that disorder that causes Sudden Adult Death that they cannot always detect by ECG?

2. My pulse rate is sometime only 66 per minute is that too slow?

3. The etcopic beats, fluttering and flipflops have also made a reappearance which has also raised my concerns again about my heart!!!!!

Why am I having this blip, do you think I'm exhastberating things by dwelling. Should I go back to my GP and demand more test??

I am sorry for being away for so long. I did intend to come back once fully recovered to offer support for other members, but have not yet dared for fear of almost tempting fate by labeling myself recovered. I know I always taken from this site and never given which is very selfish, I just sometime don't have the confidence to offer my support - after all what do I know!

Some reassurance would be fantastic[V]


Purdy x

23-07-05, 13:43
It has been a long time since i have posted. I have been feeling so much better and even though I have had the odd small incident, I felt I was going in the right direction and really could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've been on holiday abroad etc.

see you have done it before you can do it again. I know its scary but you have done so well up to now. If you feel you need to get more tests done to reasure yourself go and see your doctor.

Im much the same go periods of time being relatively normal then a blip happends or even nothing triggers it and i feel back to square one again. But you have to belive in your ability to get well again YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Relaxation techniques will help a lot and you will get loads of support from people here.

Take care x

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

23-07-05, 20:36
The things you say you do such as checking pulse remind me so much of myself. For that reason I dont think it's all that uncommon.

A pulse of 66 in nothign to worry about. Your pulse at rest depends on so many different factors such as physical fitness. Peopel who are very fit can pulses closer to 50 bpm.

If I where you I would go back to the GP and have them carry out tests. If nothign else it will put your mind at rest. you are now worrying, that is a step in the wrong direction. recovery and worry do not go hand in hand.

24-07-05, 09:49
You have done so well in the past. Going away on holidays...seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

So the tunnel has taken a slight bend and u can't see it for a while.....just remember the good things that you have achieved don't dwell on the bad. We all have blips....and we overcome them..you will see the light back soon, stay positve and do the same as you done b4.

with good wishes


24-07-05, 09:57
Hi Purdy

Very glad you're so much better. This is a blip - thats all.

1. Dizzyness and spaced out are one of the most common anxiety symptoms out so its usual for these to be amongst the first to reappear.


2 Perfect heart rate

3 These too are very common and will stay as long as you're anxious. If you haven't had an ECG for a very long time you might want to ask for another but its just for reassurance.

**do you think I'm exhastberating things by dwelling**

Yes totally.

Do you know what brought it on to start with, something bother you ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-07-05, 09:32
Thank you everyone for your replys, I have come down to earth again now and realise that it's just a blip:).
Fantastic new website by the way!!!!



30-07-05, 10:38
Blips are very common Purdy - you will be over it soon and back on your feet!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal