View Full Version : coming off citalopram...

02-03-09, 12:29

i have been on citalopram for about 13 months now i went on them as i became hypothyroid and suffered bad anxiety, i was on 20mg and the last 12 days ive been takin 10mg, i feel quite low, sad no motivation, teary etc and i also feel like my ears head and throat are hurtin is this the flu like symptoms ive read people get or something else..

02-03-09, 15:11
It's withdrawal. You've come down on it far too quickly. Look up withdrawal from ssris on the net for a withdrawal plan or see your gp. I can assure you that's withdrawal. It's horrible. Take care.

02-03-09, 15:33
hi yvonne , i have dropped down from 40mg to 30mg about 10 days ago as i was really spaced out and had stupid thoughts on 40mg. Got really bad headache today and eyes are hurting and still spacey is this withdrawal symptoms lucy x how long to stabilize?

02-03-09, 22:35
Hi Lucy

I'm not a specialist in the area - however my own experience of several medications has given me the benefit of knowledge of start up effects and withdrawal.

Funny you should mention sore eyes because I get that chronically when I am increasing or decreasing meds. I have dry eye syndrome anyway - I know it's to do with my medication (Effexor) - these meds have a choligeric effect which basically means drying out of secretions (I think).

YOu can either stick it out for a few days and see how you go or you take it back up for about a week then try to decrease again. When you decrease do it by a smaller drop. Ask gp about this. I can't remember what dosages Citalapram comes in but I think it does come in 5mg so you could withdraw gradually using 5's.

As I said, see how you go and see if you can stick it out, the symptoms you are having are classic of ssri withdrawal - the spaced out feeling is orrible and makes you feel very weak as well. You've done 10 days already, give it two weeks I think and if you still don't feel any better see gp.

03-03-09, 08:47
ok thanx ihave already done almost two weeks so will just ride it out, will i cut to 5 now as my dr said after 2 weeks stop all together??

04-03-09, 17:49
Hi, I have been on citalopram for about 5 months now,currently at 30mg, i started to feel "normal" , but i also started getting extreme tiredness, all day long and a giddy head, once i blacked out screaming at a try being scored during a rugby match!!
I spoke to my doctor about this, apparently i had quite low blood pressure to begin with but the citalopram has made it worse, thus they have decided to bring my dose down that i'm now to take 20mg Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and keep to the 30mg every other day. I think this is the beginning of my coming off the meds...i 'll be on this at least a month - does this seem a sensible rate? I know 10mg up each time was awful - is 10mg down the same??

04-03-09, 21:14

id say probebly ive cut from 20 to 10 and its been far from easy.. still need to quit the other 10 in time, wish id never started on these...

04-03-09, 22:37
I would cut down at monthly intervals once you feel ok from the first reduction, tis is what I did. Also read as much as you can about withdrawal, if you want me to recommend a book pm me.