View Full Version : Left Side pain

02-03-09, 14:38
Just wondering if anyone knows if it is normal for anxiety to make just one side of your body hurt all the time? I get jaw pain,the front of my neck, ear, shoulder down to the hand and leg and foot pain all on the left, it just seems strange to me that its only on one side. With it, I get headaches that hurt on top of my head, dizziness and lightheaded, nausea and my eyes have been hurting, just to look at the computer makes it hard cuz everything is blurry and seems brighter. Please someone help!

02-03-09, 15:40
omg i get this and its all down the right! do you ever get weakness down it and feel as though you are having a stroke? my right side of my face goes numb too! have a look at the last thread i posted in the health anxiety forum called head/eye pain and nausea not sure its all anxiety...
see if you can relate!

02-03-09, 15:50
yes I get the weakness too, it actually feels like a tingling in my left cheek under my eye. lately the dizziness and lightheadedness is non stop, even when i get up in the morning, not sure what to think.

02-03-09, 16:05
its horrible isn't it? have you been to the doctor? i had blood tests in december first for the pains and then a few weeks later for a stomach problem i was having and both tests were normal. i had sinusitis in october which was when i first began worrying that it was something much worse and i started getting the numb face but my dad suggested maybe it was the congestion pressing on a nerve..? however that wouldn't affect a whole side of my body would it and now it's been going on a few months i don't know what to think. also just started getting migraines which ive never before had so of course im worried about tumors and stuff, its horrible but i feel like i cant do anything to stop it. what is your eye pain like? and do you ever get sore areas on your head that hurt to like press on, sort of bruised like?

02-03-09, 16:20
if you get chance, do a search for myofascial trigger points and see if any of that applies to you. it definitely sounds like me but then again i guess most things on google do haha...i just can't find anything to explain both the head/face pain and numbness in relation to arm and leg, especially just on one side! aahhh

02-03-09, 22:36
I am having all the symptoms you are having except they are on my right side, I have had the face numbness/arm numbness and also at times both these burn, jaw pain, shoulder and back pain, joint pain and it goes down to my leg. I also had bad breast pain so much so I paid for a private mammogram and consultation: the diagnosis to date is anxiety and been going on for past 4 weeks now!

I was so bad two weeks ago I attened A&E twice and bascially have been told I am in an anxiety state and put on citalopram, because I couldnt accept the anxiety diagnosis and also has told I am depressed

I was been refered to mental health team and been seeing them for past week. I am still not convinced but I have now had a GP, 3 lots of Mental Health Nurses, and x 2 A&E Doctors, plus a breast cancer consultant (they said it was hormonal) and an A&E nurse tell me I am ok and it is anxiety related but it is hard to accept.

the last few weeks I have also have hedaches

the weekend I have started with IBS and Hip Pain

I also have had blood tests and told they are ok, if you are really worried go and see your GP for some advice and tests which should (I say should but I am not in good frame of mind) put your mind at rest

02-03-09, 23:11
im convinced that it's a brain tumor :(
only had my eyes tested last week but what on earth causes this one sided weakness?!

03-03-09, 12:12
So weird! I get this too - a whole range of unrelated symptoms all on the same side! What is all that about??