View Full Version : chest pain - this doctors advice

02-03-09, 16:24

I've had mild chest pain for about a month now, and because i have loads of anxiety and panic attacks (especially recently because of the pain) i felt worse and was worried it would be my heart.

I managed to pluck up the courage and call the doctor today, i've just got off the phone to her and she reassured me but now i'm questioning things she said.

I told her my symptoms (pain that moves around, arms ache, not short of breath, not bad pain) and she said it wasn't ringing any alarm bells with her and it didn't sound like angina because going for walks doesnt make it any worse.

She told me to relax and she said if the pain gets bad take some pain killers...

If it was heart related i wouldnt be told to take pain killers would i?

She's going to ring me back in a few days to see if i can have an appointment or a home visit. She didnt mention me going to the hospital though which was another main worry.

I'm just trying to relax now and calm down
love alison xx

02-03-09, 19:43
Doesn't sound like heart pain..honest.
Angina does usually come on with exertion and you would feel it in the same place (wouldn't really move around that much). Sounds more like tense, tight muscles which are made worse by anxiety. Good you are trying to relax and sure you will get more reassurance from nurse soon. XXX

02-03-09, 20:19
Alison i have the same pain its in my arm chest back, i have been for lots of tests and its fine anixity is a powerfull thing.
Sorry about spelling the letters on my screen have gone really small.
If you need to talk send me a messege.

02-03-09, 20:28
Alison, I also get chest pain, seems to be muscular esp. when my anxiety levels are hig as I am tense. Hang in there

Gemma T
02-03-09, 20:33
dont worry babe i had chest pains for months. always on the left. i had 2 ecg and bloodtest and blood pressure taken and still nothing. try not to worry as it will make the pains worst. once you accept that its anxiety it should ease up. I only get the odd niggle every now and again and i still worry. just remember your not alone x x x