View Full Version : back again :)

02-03-09, 18:54
hi all

as you gather i was here before but my panic had stopped for about a year and half-two years but tonight im not really sure basically there was some choc brazil nuts i had and only a couple and just before i ait them dad asked you ok with them now i have never had a problem in the past at all but while i ait i felt a wave of fear just wash over .the old symptome like feel like being stranged shaking dizzy and disorentated and lots of panic the trouble is im tryin to get my head around was it the nuts that caused it or just an internal and subcountious worry about eating then that sparked an attack..

ps i really am sorry for waffling on it was just hard to explain lol

thankyou all

02-03-09, 19:06
Hi Russcar,

:welcome: back to NMP you will find this site is still a great source of advice and support and make some new friends along your journey to recovery.


02-03-09, 20:50
Hi Russcar and :welcome: to the site, you'll get good advice on here that really helps, take care xx

03-03-09, 01:38
Hi Russcar, :)

:welcome: back to NMP.

Best wishes :)

03-03-09, 21:01
Hi Russcar and welcome back to NMP

take care xxx

06-03-09, 09:07
Hi and a big welcome back to NMP its great to have you here again, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

Veronica H
06-03-09, 12:52
Hi Russ

Your Dad asked you a question which triggered the memory of your illness,.As as we all know this is an illness of how we think. Memories are not easily erased and this transported you straight back to a time when you were ill. you must not read too much into this as it is the fear of the illness which generates it. Remind yourself of how far you have come but also accept that you will remember in this way from time to time, because this is the way in which our brains are wired. It means as much or as little as you are going to allow it to. You have done really well and even if your nerves are a bit sensitised again it does not mean that you will not beat it.

:bighug1: Veronica