View Full Version : Citalopram side effects

02-03-09, 19:10
Hi everyone!

I had my dosage of Citalopram upped to 20 mg today. Started at 5 first week, 10 the next and now to 20 in the third week. I have Diazapam to take the edge off too.

I am no longer having the palps as much, (this was my main symptom) which has led to full blown health anxiety. I do wake up every morning now with a racing heart and palps UNTIL i take my meds....then im fine. Later in the day i get a bit anxious and edgy too. Pins and needles in hands, blurred vision when reading a magazine if i suddenly look up to the TV i cant focus on it!!

How is everyone else on Cital?? Has anyone really struggled with it and is the double dosage really going to be noticable??

Hope everyone is well.

Best Regards


02-03-09, 19:35
I have been on Citalopram for 6 weeks (as of tomorrow) and can relate to your symptoms - especially the focus thing. Your doctor has done the right thing by easing you into the program and Diazepam will help. I was put straight onto 20mg and no Diazepam so its taken me a while longer to get settled in - I still get some anxiety and random, dark thoughts when the anxiety kicks in but the periods in between are getting longer and the effects are lowering. Just tell yourself that its the meds bedding in and you will get an array of assorted weirdness but it will disperse.
The effects can be very weird and sometimes you think you're never going to improve but you do - just in small steps. Yes, I have struggled with Cit - possibly more than some, mainly because I hate medication and usually it hates me! Its difficult at times to appreciate, but the benefits are coming...