View Full Version : Kay-Tee

02-03-09, 19:25
:) Hello, I'm new to the website. I've suffered with anxiety all my life. Just dealt with it by pushing myself onwards. Now that I'm getting that bit older and facing a lot of death of loved ones, depression has set in as well. I'm taking 25mg of Sertraline twice a day. It has lifted the depression, but the anxiety got a lot worse, so when in social situations I'd have quite a few glasses of wine/beer just to cope. I'm in a bit of a vicious circle now and looking for a way out. A Dr. Olivier Omasien on THIS MORNING interview said that he took Baclofen which is normally used for MS sufferers, but he used it to treat his extreme anxiety and his alcoholism. It has cured him! DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS DRUG AND WHETHER YOU CAN GET IT FROM YOUR GP.:scared15:

02-03-09, 19:32

Welcome to the site I think you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Sorry can't help you with the question about Baclofen.

Take care


02-03-09, 19:33
Hi Kay-Tee,

:welcome: to NMP you will find this site a great source of advice and support and you will make some good friends here to help you along your journey to recovery.

As for Baclofen, never heard of it, perhaps ask your GP about it on your next visit?


02-03-09, 20:20
Thank you for your replies. I might just stick with the Sertraline and stay off the booze as I don't think they mix..............and just wait and see what happens. Trouble is with my anxiety I want instant relief.

Veronica H
02-03-09, 20:39
:welcome: Kay-Tee, I saw the interview but donot know if the drug is being prescribed by GP's here. Glad you have found us though.


Gemma T
02-03-09, 20:41
:hugs:welcome. i cant help with teh meds question but im here if you want to talk x x x x

02-03-09, 20:48
Hi Kay-Tee and :welcome: to the site , take care xx

03-03-09, 21:06
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

04-03-09, 11:00
Hi Kay-Tee, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

06-03-09, 09:00
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

06-03-09, 23:06
Hello its Kay-tee again, 1 week has gone by and somehow I feel a changed person. I am using my brain for a change and I am not feeling anxious!
Not sure what are the reasons behind this could be the lunar phase (only joking) or my body clock. Also I have managed not to touch a drop of alcohol since Saturday. Still taking 25 mg x2 everyday of Sertraline. No exercise. But have been stuffing down some low fat crisp, fruit pastilles and chocolate eggs. Keeping in touch with this website has definitely helped me a lot, just knowing that there are like minded people there who understand and also being able to offer bits of advice to others has definitely boosted myself esteem. I REALLY DO HOPE THAT I GET AT LEAST A COUPLE OF WEEKS OF THIS.