View Full Version : hmm doctors..worried

02-03-09, 19:57
Okay so iv been to the doctors today about my head pains, but i dont feel very reassured..
here are my problems..

-Weird pain in head, tends to come and go, and is generally on the right hand side at the back but does travel occasionally and at the moment is near my neck, but can travel to behind my ear and temple and even above my eye on my forehead. The pain isnt even a head ache kinda thing, its almost like a cramping pain:S:S and it isn't THAT bad, im jst worried because iv had it for about a week now..
- Vision thats not very clear for writing far away yet i had an eye test a few months ago and got told i had "perfect vision"
- Muscle twitches everywhere.
- I also have a new black floater in my eye, i wasn't worried about this, but when the doc was explaining tumors she said (before i told her about this) that brain tumors make objects seem to move in your eyes
- Also, very occasionally, i do feel weird numbing sensations, but not for long, and im scared cos she mentioned this as a symptom too..

The doctor has told me to monitor my weight over the next 2 weeks, as this would be a sign of something bad, and also told me to make another appointment at an opticians..which i intend to do, but im conviced its something terrible like a brain tumor:(

Does anybody know if something like a trapped nerve in my neck (if this is even possible) could be causing headaches? I also clench my jaws alot, could this be related?

im so worried and im sorry for posting a rant again, just was wondering if ANYONE could relate to anything?
Any info would be much appreciated! xx

Gemma T
02-03-09, 20:51
Hey sweetheart.

Sounds like a migraine to me. i had it for a week. Ive been getting them for years including the flashing in the eyes and i was physically sick. couldnt get out of bed. i had to lay in a dark room. ive had it behind my eye, on my forehead. poor diet is a cause. mine was the combined pill. i came off it and they eased up. i still get them just not as often and not so bad. you should try Migraleve. You can get it over the counter. It worked wonders for me. x x x x x